
Sunday, January 19, 2014

There's always tomorrow

I so adore this moment I captured between my two girls
best friends SAR Boise SAR Boise SAR Boise SAR Boise SAR Boise

Kevin has found the local K-9 Search and Rescue group here and we made our first trip (of many) into the Boise wilderness. The children and I love our exploration time as Kevin and Nara get the training they need. Not to mention that I feel safe to be a bit more adventurous knowing that the SAR team is nearby if we needed them.

It started snowing as we were driving to the SAR location, almost causing us to turn around and head back to Mountain Home, but thanks to Kevin's perseverance we made it. It was a lot warmer back by our house so I didn't have us properly dressed but we survived. The snow stopped about twenty minutes into our visit and quickly started melting. The children and I ended up hiking in a lot of slippery mud and needless to say, ended up covered in mud from head to toe - myself included. We must have looked pretty silly as we walked through the grocery store later on after the training completed.

Despite the pains of moving and a new way of life, my girls relationship with one another is growing by leaps and bounds. It's amazing to watch them become closer right before my very eyes. They are genuinely enjoying each other's company. K is really stepping up as a big sister and her example has C doing the same for Little L. They truly are becoming best friends - something I have been working on with them since C was born. That is one of my biggest desires for them and I hope it lasts their whole life through.
Oh, and just so you don't get the wrong idea - YES! They still quarrel and fight and no it's not perfect, but it's different now. They seem more aware of each other's feelings and work through their issues faster and more lovingly.

My melancholic temperament ended up winning today as I was dealing with a family member struggling with depression. I feel awful for what they are going through but I admit I tend to see the pain it inflicts on us instead of through the eyes of the person going through it. I need to work on my own attitude when this comes around and try harder to be more sensitive and compassionate. But it can be so tricky at times when I see my children's feelings hurt, this Mama bear just lashes out.

There's always tomorrow.
