
Thursday, October 10, 2013

A blue-eyed owlet sweater

Owlet IMG_7193 IMG_7258 IMG_7262 IMG_7120 IMG_7123 IMG_7171 IMG_7101 IMG_7159 IMG_7167 IMG_7052

Okay, two weeks in a row of finished knits is just a bit too much but I have to catch the sun while I still can, so I hope you'll forgive me. Another knit for Little L is off my needles - a blue eyed owlet sweater knit in scrumptious Brambleberry yarn. Actually, I finished knitting the owlet awhile ago but only just got around to sewing on the button eyes. I don't know why I put it off for so long. I planned on giving the owls brown eyes but then Little L saw the blue buttons and said "Hoot hoot blue eyes", so I decided to follow his advice. Boy, he knew what he was talking about - the blue eyes add just the right amount of color to the sweater. Then again, he says that everyone (and everything) has blue eyes. He'll even list the whole family, pets included, as he is drifting off to sleep at night: Bubba blue eyes, Mama blue eyes, Paw Paw blue eyes... Perhaps this helps him fall asleep better than counting sheep?

You might remember that I started this sweater right after I finished K's birthday Owlet and modified it to be top down (instead of bottom up). Oh my, what a difference it makes! Hands down, this way is much better! Not only was it easier and faster to knit but the neckline looks superior knit top down. It fits perfectly, too. I kept detailed notes on my rav page, if your interested in seeing them. I already have plans to knit him another one and then  think C needs one, as well. I still need to get pictures of K in her birthday owlet. I'll have to show you the differences between the two the next time the sun shows it's face here in Portland...or maybe Idaho!
