
Sunday, September 29, 2013


IMG_6557 IMG_6565 waiting K as a gnome the dragon IMG_6592 praying Saint Michael is victorious! Michaelmas apples Michaelmas nature table making paper dolls Saint Michael paper doll

Last Friday Portland Waldorf School (our beloved home for the past four years) celebrated Michaelmas with their annual pageant. As always it was perfect and beautiful in every way, even though this was the first year it rained on us (at least for the years we were here for it). The second grade played the part of gnomes and they made Saint Michael's sword. And yes! that is my sweet K you see with her classmates in her orange gnome hat. We have been blessed to have K in school until October. Grateful doesn't even begin to cover how we feel.

Little L has been talking non-stop about the pageant. He keeps saying "Me-me gnomey, gnomey, gnome! Me-me is his name for her, by the way. And oh that dragon!! I think Little L wanted to bring him home. Many enthusiastic conversations have been had about him.

"No Bubba touch ur-ee" translation - I didn't get to touch the dragon.
"Ur-ee smoke out!" translation - The dragon had smoke coming out of him
"Choo - choo to ur-ee" translation - driving to the dragon

I'll stop there.

With all the hustle and bustle going on around here I managed to forgot that today was the feast of Saint Michael (Michaelmas). Did I mentioned that we literally have a waterfall cascading from our two back windows downstairs in our house right now? I had a lot of fun fishing out my knitting pattern in my rainboots last night. Deep breath. Anyways, we missed out on making our traditional dragon bread and dragon beeswax candle but we did at least squeeze in reading Dragon Baked Bread and Saint George and the Dragon. K also made a Saint Michael paper doll (with changes of armor, too) and a dragon to go with it.  I guess it wasn't a complete fail then. The celebration was still in our hearts. Now it's time for inner work and defeating that dragon!

Saint Michael
