
Monday, August 5, 2013

Precious moments (while in panic mode!)

C's face paint C's face art (done by herself and a friend when we picked K up from her first ever sleepover) hatch studio hat L in his super cute "choo-choo" hat horse chestnuts Horse chestnuts growing well plums almost ready Plums are almost ready K pulling her siblings K pulling her little sister and brother on our walk to go see the ducks IMG_4625 Blessing the memorial Memorial blessing. C's first time seeing a Bishop. Just like her sister, she acted like he was a rock star. L and Nara Little L loving his Nara. She makes the best pillow. I swear she must be the most patient dog ever. sweaty hot evening Beatrix Potter night Trying to stay cool in our bedroom reading Beatrix Potter before bed.
IMG_4885 "Nara Paws!" Little L's new word for today. He then went on to say "Bubba paws", pointing to his own feet then "Ci paws" pointing to C's feet. He has been coming up with a new word each day lately. It's fun to see what the next one will be!

Random pictures from the past few days. Sometimes I rather enjoy waiting a few days to upload my photos instead of doing it every night. I feel like I get to relive these precious moments all over again.

I am currently in panic mode. Kevin mentioned last week that we have around twenty-something days to fix up this house, sell it and move out. Absolutely impossible. That's all I have to say. I can barely handle day to day chores (I am 33 years old and still don't know how to properly clean a house - ridiculous, right?!), let alone adding on painting rooms, ripping up carpet, putting in new floors, tearing down the hot tub, and oh way too much more to think about without my head spinning. Simply put - this house is a disaster. No, I am not exaggerating.

There was a possibility of moving to Anchorage, Alaska (with a K-8 Waldorf school, cooler weather and trees!) dangling over our heads but that was officially squashed last week. So Idaho it is, no way around it. At least we know for sure now and can move on. I am looking forward to downsizing there. We already agreed on a tiny house (think one room cabin) and the dogs having their own home outside of our house (barn? shed?), so that should help out with keeping things a bit more tidy. At least I hope so! But before we can really start dreaming about that we need to sell this house...

Lily K hat
Oh, and heads up to all of you who have asked about Little L's adorable sun hat! My friend Jennifer has restocked her shop - Hatch Studio, with sun hat and bonnets, too. She always finds the best fabric for these. I have yet to see one that I don't swoon over. I asked her to make Little L's big to grow into, in case you were wondering.
