Do any of you happen to remember this sweater I knit for K back in 2010? Well, it's still one of her favorites. Astonishingly enough, it still fits here three years later, except for the sleeves so I decided I could just re-do those for her. I ripped out the ribbing on the first quite felted sleeve yesterday and reknit it (using a new skein of yarn) adding on an extra two inches. Then last night, in my exhausted state, I thought I would rip out the other sleeve quick before I went to bed. Well, I must have been even more tired than I thought because I ended up ripping out the sleeve I had already reknit. I think I need to learn when to step away from the knitting!
In other news, I started and nearly completed K's next birthday sweater in less than a week, so I never had the chance to post about it. Talk about a fast knit! I'm sure the size 10 needles worked in my favor, though. K's current favorite color is green and I just happened to have enough beautiful green yarn in my stash leftover from my babywearing poncho. It was just meant to be. Now I have to decide how I want to do the owls' eyes.
What are you working on? Happy creating!
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