Just a few glimpses into the past four days.
Impromptu stop at Voodoo Doughnut for some vegan sweet yummies. The last time we were there was the day Little L was born. The combination of the doughnut and walking our husky is what brought labor on. Well, at least that's what I say!
The girls got their Fourth of July celebration they so badly wanted with s'mores and all! We made our red, white and blue popsicles but then I forgot about them until the day after. It was a bit too chilly for them at the time, anyways. We couldn't see any fireworks (It's a bit hard to see the sky when you're in the woods!), but made some of our own with glow bracelets. The girls thought the above pictures were hilarious.
Kevin saved four shrews from imminent death (at the jaws of Paw Paw). The girls mothered them until nightfall (even bringing them into our house inside of pots and pails) when we released them behind our fence.
I am going through a rough patch right now with one of my sweet children and trying to keep my head above water. I would so appreciate any prayers and words of encouragement you would be willing to give. I know a lot of it comes from this period of transition and even more looming on the horizon but that can be hard to remember when you are in the moment. I find myself questioning if I'm cut out to parent a strong-willed child. This challenging, but oh so loving, child of mine was sent to me for a reason and I don't want to let her down!