I think the pictures will show you that the landscape in Idaho is drastically different from our lush, green land here in Oregon. It will take some getting used to, that's for sure, but we'll adapt; we always do. I have to say that I had quite a strong desire to kiss the grass once we got back to Western Oregon! But different landscape means different species of plant and animal life and new ways of exploring. We were even already bird watching finding new birds we had never seen before.
There will be more trips back and forth to find our future home. We really have no clue where we will end up - Kevin's job is in the middle of nowhere where there are miles upon miles between buildings. This is actually ideal living for us, but I just always envisioned forests (and soil!)surrounding our little homestead. Kevin told me today he was thinking of possibly finding a place near a deserted ghost town (literally!!) because the nearest Catholic church is located there. I love him to the moon and back for making that such a big consideration.
Overall, a three day trip - two days of travel, only one day to explore but so worth it!