my latest knitting project (inspired by my friend Mackenzie) torn to bits. I had left it in the front passenger seat the night before with the hope to work on it in K's school parking lot the next morning. Obviously that was not what I was meant to do that day.

Beowulf. He's lucky he's so cute (Remember when he first came home with us?)!
If this had happened a year ago or so I would have flipped out, carrying on like a mad woman (which truly did happen when he ate some yarn I was knitting with while pregnant with Little L). But I have been striving towards becoming a happier person, trying to take things out of my control more gracefully and seeing the positive in every situation. Boy, do I have a long way to go with all of that but this incident made me see that I am making at least a tiny bit of progress. That is something to be grateful for, even if it did involve the loss of hours spent knitting.

So see? Everything does happen for a reason and that little rascal of mine knew just what he was doing!
Oh and I had to share Paw Paw's expression as I was snapping away pictures of Beowulf...

p.s. I finally finished my David Douglas book and have since moved on to trying to get myself more organized with this book.
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