
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Not the decision I wanted to come to...

Two lost teeth! Tooth fairy doll (with pocket) Waldorf tooth fairy doll 099

Remember our tooth dilemma with K from a few weeks ago? Well, we finally came to a decision and on Monday she had them pulled. In all honesty, that was really not the decision I wanted to come to. Kevin and I talked it over again and again as well as K and I. She asked us to get them pulled. I tried in vain to help her teeth become wiggly but they just would not budge. In the end what it came down to was K complaining of pain where her adult teeth were coming in.

She was so excited for Monday she could barely sleep the night before. She told anyone that would listen she was getting them pulled and that the tooth fairy would be visiting her that night. She didn't show one bit of nervousness or anxiety. That helped to reassure me that we were doing what was right for her.  I quickly finished up her tooth fairy pillow/doll that had fallen to the bottom of my WIP basket and gave it to her when I picked her up from school. I think that was a sweet surprise for her. She was excited over the doll's cloud pocket for her teeth.

She asked if Daddy could be with her for the procedure while I watched C and Little L. Kevin cleared his schedule to make sure that could happen. I admit I was relieved that she wanted Daddy there. I had a lot of my teeth pulled as a child and have some not-so-fond memories of it all, mostly due to the first time I had to have it done. My dentist, back then, lacked patience and empathy and just didn't seem to like children very much. I don't remember how old I was but I do remember being scared, and as many children do when they are afraid - I cried. The dentist put his hand over my mouth and nose (causing me to be unable to breathe) and told me I could not cry because I would scare the other patients there. Of course that made matters even worse. Needless to say, my Mom found a new dentist after that. I can still smell his cheap cologne when I think about that ordeal...

But back to K. At the last minute she decided she wanted me with her instead. I pushed my own issues aside and agreed. When we got to the room that the procedure would be done in, she was still as happy as could be. They asked her if she wanted to watch a movie. K looked at me to see if it was okay and I nodded my head yes. I figured for something like this we could make that compromise.
K decided on one of their selections (I have no idea what it was, she just saw dogs on the cover and picked it) and they put it on and laid her chair back. They gave her some "happy gas" to try to relax her. About three minutes into the movie and gas she started crying hysterically. I jumped up and ran over to her. She was too upset to speak but she clung onto me like she would never let go. After a few moments she said the movie scared her (she later told me it was because they were sword fighting). The kind dental hygienist had her pick out a new one (this time I helped, and we chose a movie I had actually seen before, Finding Nemo) then set her up again with the gas. Again, poor K started crying. She didn't like the gas (and I can't say I blame her!), as it was having the opposite effect it was meant to have, so we convinced them to just not use it.

K was quite worked up by this point and I almost had us leave, but then the dentist came in. He gave her a soft blanket to cuddle with and then situated his equipment so that I could be with her on the chair and have her legs over my lap. Then he left and gave her a good half hour to relax. She watched her movie while I rubbed her legs. I got her tooth fairy doll from my bag and gave it to her. I told her that her special doll would calm her nerves and keep her safe. She held her tightly in her arms. When the dentist came back in K was ready. The procedure took ten minutes or less,and I got to hold my sweet girl the whole time. K barely blinked an eye during it all but smiled big when the dentist showed her her two teeth. He then showed me why they weren't falling out on their own - whatever it is that naturally dissolves the roots (I have now forgotten what it was called) missed her teeth and only hit a small portion of the back of them. They would have never come out on their own.

My not so little K came out of the dentist's office proudly showing Daddy and her siblings her lost teeth. I could clearly see that she knew just how brave and amazing she was. I'm so proud of her. She spent the rest of the night inspecting her lost teeth, talking about them and sharing her excitement over the tooth fairy visit to come.

But this story does not end here, not by far! I have a little bit more to share about the morning after in my next post. See you then!


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Your little toothfairy doll is so perfect! And I have a similar story about the front top two teeth of my older son. We delayed and delayed but finally had to have them pulled. My son cried a bit when he had the novacaine injection, but our dentist was fabulous and my son calmed down quickly. I was glad my son was such a champion because felt horribly nauseated and sick during the whole procedure (your earliest dentist-memory is exactly the same as one of my earliest dentist-memories.)
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
Oh goodness - I am so sorry you went through a similar ordeal :(
Bless her big brave girl xxxx
We've had a few teeth in this house that would not come out on their own, and my oldest son had a similar response to "happy gas"--he said it made him feel really anxious and disoriented. Me? I'd have gas for a cleaning if I could, I hate going to the dentist so much.
Gemma just saw the Toothfairy doll and said, "I want one of those!" She is still a few years away from losing a tooth, but I think I'll have to make one when she gets her first wiggly tooth...
Ahhhh, I had thirteen teeth pulled as a kid and was also traumatized by an impatient dentist! We are dealing with teeth issues and am happy to have found a dentist who will at least try with out the gas. I have a hard time thinking it is "always" needed as most pediatric dentists do these days. K showed she was strong enough though. My oldest reacted very badly to the gas years ago, which also traumatized me against the "happy" not so happy gas. Glad everything worked out alright though. It is so nerve wracking thinking about whether we made the best decisions for our littles. I'm glad you were shown that you did...Im sure it made it all easier for you to digest.

1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
Oh Lisa, I think you and I have similar teeth! I am hoping we won't have to go through this again but if K or any of my children have teeth like mine they will be getting a lot pulled. If there is a next time I will be telling the dentist up front "NO happy gas!".
What a perfect tooth fairy doll! I'm glad it all worked out for K in the end, despite the rough start. My son's bottom two teeth just fell out a couple of weeks ago, so he and K look quite similar!
you are blessed to have such an understanding and patient dentist! Congrats to K for being so brave!
Again, you reiterate to me how a wonderful mother should handle a tough situation. I'm so glad it all worked out in the end for you and K.
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
You are much too kind!! I feel like we just scraped by.
Poor thing! I also have not so fond memories of tooth pulling as a child What a brave little girl! You handled that wonderfully with the doll and holding her during the procedure.
Really great story and what a nice doll! I love all the photos you take for this blog btw.
I would be glad if you can check my blog and waldorf dolls as well:)
I am glad that K had such a positive experience! Your dentist must be an angel of tooth care! Honestly, it sounds like it went as well as it could have, and she will be very much more reassured if she has to have any more taken out. Good for you for being so supportive of her medical care!
Sometimes, we do have to make these decisions, which although they weigh heavy on the heart you knwo deep down that it is right!
It sounds like your big girl was very brave, and that's hard to do at times at the doctor's office! I am always amazed at how strong little children can be at times. Often, stronger than their mamas even (I knows mine are at times!).
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
Oh I agree!! I think my K is so very much stronger than I!
K is such a pretty little girl! I am glad everything worked out for the best.
How sweet is that tooth fairy doll? What a special thing to use for lost teeth!

So glad everything worked out, even if it was a scary situation.
She has such gorgeous eyes!
Oh dearie! What an ordeal for you all! Isn't it amazing how the excitement of the tooth fairy can have such a healing power!
We had to do the SAME thing for my little guy! His front teeth started to come in and wedged his baby teeth so they would not budge! Zach actually fainted at the dentist after the procedure was over! He was so brave, and didnt make a peep! Stood up out of the chair, shook the Dr.'s hand, and crumpled to the floor! Boys!!! On the bottom, it started to happen again, but I waited...the adult tooth came in in back of the baby tooth..we waited...and did eventually become loose, but it stained the front of his adult tooth permanently:( The tooth fairy makes it better though:) Your daughter looks precious with those little gaps!
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
Oh what a brave boy!! I could see my L doing something similar to that if he had to go through this, too.
Your sweet girl is so brave! My oldest has her first loose tooth, so we're gearing up for the tooth fairy now. I am in love with your tooth fairy doll and I think my little girl would be head over heels for one. I think I can figure out most of it, but the hair. How did you do that? Is that roving? Thanks so much! I've been quietly following your blog for a while now, you're so inspiring to me!
I absolutely love your tooth fairy doll 💕 so very precious!! Do you have a tutorial for it? No worries if you would rather not share her! ☺️ Lucy xxx
1 reply · active 464 weeks ago
Hi Lucy!
I don' have a tutorial for her :( BUT I need to make K a new one (she got sick one night when sleeping with her tooth fairy doll) and make one for C, too, so maybe I can come up with a tutorial as I make it.

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