Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on}

The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture or two and share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below.
KCCO - plotting I apologize for my absence - I have been soaking in and savoring the events from the past few days. There hasn't been a lot of time for creating but that's okay, I've been getting by (hee,hee). I have been planning a creative endeavor, at least, even using supplies mostly from my stash. C's birthday is in only 16 days so I need to get a move on it. She even told me the other day that I needed to start her birthday dress...
What are you working on? Happy creating!

If you would like to link up and share your current works in progress (or finished works) please leave your link below. It can now be either to your specific blog post or Flickr photo. There are no rules, only that your link is current and something about a craft project (of any kind) you are working on. Don't forget that there is now a KCCO Flickr group for you to share your crafting photos at anytime.

Please remember to link back here so that others who may want to join KCCO can find us.

It's as simple as that. Remember your post can be from any day of the week, it doesn't have to be today. We all love feedback so if you have a moment please leave a comment on some of the KCCO posts you may visit. I know from my own experience just how much your comments really motivate me! Now please share and inspire us all!


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Your Rapunzel fabric looks really great, and the lovely pink wool. I hope you don't mind me putting in two links this week. I just couldn't decide.
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
I loved that Rapunzel fabric when it came out and I'm a little sad I didn't get it :)
So sweet!
Thanks for hosting again...and welcome to the Church! I hope your Easter was a beautiful one, and I hope you share some of what it was like for you with all of us. Enjoy these joyful days of Easter!
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
Thank you so much! I willbe sharing it all soon <3
what is that fabric?? i love it.
1 reply · active 619 weeks ago
More Heather Ross Far far away II. I got quite a bit of that fabric line on sale when it first came out.
Looking forward to seeing your birthday creations!
~ joey ~
That yarn is the most beautiful color! And it goes perfectly with that Heather Ross fabric!
Oh that yarn is just gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you'll knit with it :)
Oh, pretty, pretty pink!!
Looking forward to see what you make with it :)
nothing like a birthday deadline to get one's creative procrastination going ;) that yarn is more than lovely, good luck with whatever comes of it.
I have that fabric too in my stash. What to make???? LOL!
I agree the fabric is lovely- I have been baking this week

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