
Friday, April 19, 2013

Encaustic art for K (And a giveaway!)

       encaustic art 082 encaustic art (about to go into the oven) 118 137 encaustic fun in a can!!

Recently, K noticed some flyers for encaustic (layered wax) painting classes at school and wanted to learn how to do it herself. Encaustic art was a medium I had never tried before but I was up for the challenge. I used to live for any kind of artistic expression I could find- painting, sculpture, charcoals... you name it, I loved it (The artist in me misses those days. Maybe I will come back to them again someday). Then, as if it was fate, we came across a layered wax drawing kit from Eye Can Art. Everything K needed for her artistic intentions all in one can, how could we go wrong?!

She set up a space at the table with some books and images for inspiration and then got to work on it straight away. C, Little L and I all huddled around her as she opened the kit. I have never seen all of us so engrossed in something like this before. I do believe there may have even been a few "ohs" and "ahs" as she pulled each piece from the kit. I was so very pleased that they were high quality supplies that even an adult would be happy with instead of the usual cheaper "kid quality"supplies you find in a lot of children's art kits. That makes such a huge difference. I also loved that they included a brief history of encaustic art along with the instructions. I read it out loud for everyone to hear turning K's project into a mini art lesson for all of us.

K decided she would draw St. Therese in a field with flowers. When she finished her base layer with the oil pastels she placed the sheet of beeswax on top and I placed it in the oven for her. We all watched the beeswax melt and then took it out to cool. C especially enjoyed watching the beeswax change from clear to cloudy and then back to mostly clear as it cooled down. Once it was completely cool K added her final layer by drawing little details and more flowers. Voila! It was done! She thoroughly enjoyed the process and the end result. In fact she enjoyed it so much that she made the second one in the kit right after. Now C and I want to give it a shot, too.Wouldn't you?!

The kind folks over at Eye Can Art want you to share in the fun and exciting learning experience we had by offering any one kit of the winner's choosing (except their back-ordered Book in a Box) to one of you!

For a chance to win, simply leave a comment on this post!

If you would like an additional chance to win:
-like Eye Can Art on Facebook
-follow Eye Can Art on Twitter 
-post this giveaway to Facebook, Twitter, or your blog

and please make sure to come back and leave me another comment letting me know you did so! Trust me, you will be just as thrilled with their kits as we are. If I could enter, I would! I will close comments on Thursday April 25th and announce the winner within this post.

comments closed! The winner is:

eidolons ·  
I bought all the stuff to try "real" encaustics years ago. But I never got around to it (I'll admit to being a little intimidated). This looks like the perfect baby step into the process. I love that someone thought to offer this technique to children. Marvelous! Thanks for sharing with us (and my, what a little artist you have there!).
Good luck everyone, and thank you Eye Can Art for making this happen!

p.s - I still have not found the time to put up a disclosure, but I just wanted to add that I am not being compensated financially. I only share products and finds such as these because we truly do love them. We just want to share the love with all of you, too!
