Sunday, November 25, 2012
Let's call the whole thing off!
nature's mobile (Little L's elf hat)
his view
C is getting braver each day with her climbing (in her koala bear sweater)
Little L wanted to climb with her so...
she led him to his own little climbing 'tree'
Some days the best thing to do is to just throw in the towel and escape to the woods. That seems to happen quite often in our home, especially once the weather starts turning and winter is near. Today was one of those days. I should have followed my gut and got us all outside in the fresh air but I tried to ignore my frustrations and keep on going. This led to a meltdown (of my own!), a husband who's accomplishment was ignored (after almost 3 years in this house - he finished organizing the garage so that our van could be in it), and a kitchen covered in sticky maple syrup. (an incident that involved Little L and a full bottle of maple syrup...I'll spare you the details) Every mole hill turned into a mountain and I became overwhelmed at every little thing brought my way. I mean, I couldn't even think about picking up the phone to return calls without my head spinning. I just couldn't snap out of it and I have no idea way. Well, I suppose sleep might have something to do with it. Little L has been going to bed at his usual 6:30 bedtime but he then wakes back up when I come to bed and stays awake until about 5 - 6 in the morning. So I have been getting about 3 hours of sleep for the past couple of weeks. It wasn't a bother at first but now I can see it is taking it's toll on me.
I sat down at my computer again feeling overwhelmed as I thought about some work I needed to do but then I found these pictures from a semi-recent homeschooling adventure day.They made me stop in my tracks. What on earth could be so upsetting that would have me forget about the gift of being alive? I am so grateful to have come across these. I needed the reminder to slooooooow down and remember just how beautiful everyday life is. But sleep, that sure would do me some good,too! p.s - This song popped into my head as I was typing this up, hence the post title.
Let's call the whole thing off!