
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on}

The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture and share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below.

KCCO - Birthday sweaters

KCCO - Birthday sweaters

KCC0 -Birthday sweater

KCCO - rainbow sweater

KCCO - rainbow sweater

KCCO - mending

Michaelmas prep

It's been one of those days - you know the kind, right? I lost track of time and had to rush through homeschooling, then Little L managed to turn the oven to self clean and got it stuck in that mode so the oven door locked while our pumpkin scones were baking. (whoever designed this oven of ours did NOT have children. The buttons are right at toddler level) Smoke started appearing and I frantically had to look up the owner's manual online (the oven came with the house) to figure out how to fix it. Of course all of this made us late to school to pickup K... But things are fine now and we can laugh over the silliness of it all.  Anyways, with all of this craziness going on I was not in the mood to take pictures and it shows. So I apologize!! I'll get some better ones soon. These sweaters look better on, anyways. But there you have it - birthday sweater one (rainbows for rainy days) and birthday sweater two (blues). I have to add that birthday sweater two almost ended up being mine instead of K's. When I first modified it I cast on 10 stitches under each armhole and it fit me. Seriously! I tried it on out of curiosity. I thought about continuing on and making it a much needed top for myself but instead ripped it back so it could fit it's rightful owner. If any of you ever want to make one of these for yourselves just use aran or bulky weight yarn and cast on 10 stitches under each arm!

Right now I am trying so hard to finish up C's surprise. I only have one sleeve (and a prayer!) left. I might just make it with the last bit of yarn I have. I also have been working on some mending here and there. Little L's beloved birthday sweater from earlier this year needs some buttons reattached so he can start wearing it again. The air is quickly becoming crisper here.

Michaelmas is very soon and I am still trying to decide on what project C and I will do to celebrate it during our homeschooling week. We could always do our traditional felted falling stars. But I am quite intrigued by many of the projects in the Autumn Equinox and Michaelmas Festival E-Book by Little Acorn Learning - especially the Archangel Michael mobile.

Last but definitely not least - My dear friend has just released one of the most beautiful girl's sweater pattern I have ever seen. She put so much work into it and it really shows. I am so happy and proud of her and just want the whole world to see her beautiful design!! Please go see it for yourself and I think you will quickly understand why it is so special. I am betting it will be in the number one spot on ravelry by morning. ETA - As of typing this post it was at number 3 and quickly rising! I have spent the past couple of weeks debating over yarn choices to make one for each of my girls but trust me, it will be on my needles very soon. Congrats Ginny!

p.s - Don't forget to enter for your chance to win some Sparkle Stories of you own here!

If you would like to link up and share your current works in progress (or finished works) please leave your link below. It can now be either to your specific blog post or Flickr photo. There are no rules, only that your link is current and something about a craft project (of any kind) you are working on. Don't forget that there is now a KCCO Flickr group for you to share your crafting photos at anytime.

Please remember to link back here so that others who may want to join KCCO can find us.

It's as simple as that. Remember your post can be from any day of the week, it doesn't have to be today. We all love feedback so if you have a moment please leave a comment on some of the KCCO posts you may visit. I know from my own experience just how much your comments really motivate me! Now please share and inspire us all!
