
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

a first

first haircut!

first haircut!

first haircut!

first haircut!

first haircut!

Little mouse nests in your hair,
tangled mouse nests everywhere,
little mousies making mischief,
brushing your nests out hurts,
- from This Is the Way We Wash a Day

K will tell you that this song is sung in our home far too many times a day, and I have to agree with her. Her hair is constantly full of mouse nests, no matter how many times we brush it or put it up in braids. I kid you not - we would brush her hair right before we left for school in the morning and by the time we arrived to her classroom you couldn't even tell it was ever brushed. I think it's just the nature of her hair.

Today on a whim I decided to do something about it. On our way to get Kevin some creamer we stopped at a salon. I told K we were there to cut her hair and that she could decide how short she wanted it. I would say she was thrilled at the idea but that would be an understatement! She had never had a haircut before this (minus self inflicted ones seen here), so this was pretty big. I am glad I happened to lug around my camera that day to capture this moment.

K chose to get a bob about to her jawline and I think it looks pretty darn cute on her. I was a bit nervous during the whole process that she was having second thoughts because she was very quiet and still - very unlike my K! As we left she became all smiles though and I realized she was just taking it all in. Phew! She played with her much shorter hair as we walked to the grocery store and asked if I would take a picture of her new haircut by the flowers for sale. Something tells me she will remember this day. I know I will.

p.s - Thank you for your kind words and encouragement in my last post. Perhaps I will come out of this shell of mine more often ;)
