
Friday, June 15, 2012

Rising first grader

first grader rising!!!

Love and pride are just bursting from my heart right now!

Today was the handing over ceremony (or graduation, if you will) for the rising first graders in our school. My sweet little K was among them. It was such a beautiful ceremony. Quite a few of us had tear filled eyes.




The parents gathered at the front of the school in a large circle and the children were led into the circle by their kindergarten teachers. They then performed two songs with movements. When the second of the two songs began to repeat the parents peeled off to form a tunnel with our hands (London bridge style) and the soon to be first grade teacher Mr. C led the children through it.




After the incoming first graders made their way through the tunnel they sat and listened to a song being performed for them by the current first grade class. Then Mr. C took them inside for a story. When they came back out they all had lovely peach colored roses and huge smiles on their faces. What an amazing journey they are soon to embark on.




There is just so much beauty and purpose in every single Waldorf tradition. I just can't get over it. In the fall there will be another ceremony for our first graders (the rose ceremony), and that one will be just as memorable. The girls and I got a glimpse of one of these ceremonies when we very first moved here three years ago. I think I may have even cried watching it. I suppose I should make a mental note to bring a handkerchief with me to that one.


Just in case you thought I was wearing a backpack. Hee,hee.

I am so grateful Kevin was able to attend the ceremony today, too. I know that meant a lot to K. When it all ended I seized the moment, set up my camera to promptly place in Kevin's hands and said "Please take a picture of us!". And he did! See, I do exist (wearing my Shalom, no less!) Poor C was having a rough day though, you can see it all over her face.

'graduation'  gift- her own needlefelting set

We gave K her very own needle felting set as a graduation gift. She wanted to start making things right away with it but we convinced her that sharp needles in a moving vehicle were not such a good idea. She held off until we got to Bob's Red Mill (a whole two minutes away from school) for a celebratory lunch.



What a joyous day. The celebrating will continue tomorrow at our last day of school picnic. I can't wait! I am trying so hard to stay awake (on coffee cup number four)and finish up those teachers gifts but sleep is so much missed. I better get off the computer and back to work before I end up napping at my desk!

P.s - Belambolo winner will really be announced in the next few minutes.
