
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The three R's

K's needle felted nativity. She made this a few days before Christmas to place under the tree. She even made a second set for C because she noticed how much C was admiring them. (Sister love!) She set it all up with Mary,Joseph, an angel and the pine branch/pipe cleaner manger waiting on Baby Jesus. Then after mass on Christmas Eve she led us in a procession from downstairs to our living room upstairs singing 'O Come Emmanuel' with C in the very back carrying Baby Jesus to place in the manger. If you could have only seen the pride in both of their faces. That was a moment I will always hold in my heart.

Taking a break from cookie making to watch our neighbor's Christmas lights come on. Such magic for little ones!

Hello there! While my absence probably wasn't noticed, I still feel the need to check in quick and let you all know I am still around. With my current slump I felt the need to relax and let go for a bit. I have been practicing the three R's: Reading, Relaxing and (Real) knitting, ok I am stretching it with that third R. I really needed this - my family really needed this. I have been happily spending my nights alternating between reading and knitting K's Phoebe sweater. My knitting is still feeling like a chore to me and going rather slowly but I only have the hood left and should have it done to give her on Epiphany. No pictures to prove it, my camera is on a well deserved break, as well.

I am very happy that I decided to read Story of a Soul after all. This book is true inspiration and encouragement. I almost feel as if some of it was written to/for me, her words echoing in my soul. Thank you, again dear Ginny, for your kindness. (This time I got your link right!)

We are still in the midst of celebrating the twelve days of Christmas with Epiphany coming up this Friday. For us that means Christmas crafts are still being made, cookies being baked, Christmas music being played - such a wonderful time. I have been doing a lot of thinking these past days and have had quite a few epiphanies of my own. I'll be back to share more on that later. I really just wanted to say 'Hi'. All is truly well over here! I hope you are all having a wonderful, wonderful week. I'll be back later in the week wit more posts (and responses to past posts), if not before then.


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So silly, of course your absence is noticed! But I knew you are up to all good : ) Happy your are enjoying this Christmas season. We are still making cookies and ornaments ; )
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Thank you. That means so much!! <3
Glad to hear that you taking the time to relax, read, knit, and reflect. A blessed Epiphany to you!
Hi.... glad all is well. I missed your blog the past week. By the way, I went to the Ruth Beekeeping supply shop in Gladstone today thanks to your recommendation. What a great store! I can hardly wait to lead the candle making class I'm doing with a bunch of little girls this week. Those colored wax sheets are too much fun!
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Oh I am so glad you went!! Isn't it such a wonderful place??
That sounds like such a magical moment! I love the needle felted manger scene :)
How gorgeous that K made one for C! That is super sweet. And good to hear you are taking time for yourself, Kelly
I'm glad you are back in this space but equally happy that you've enjoyed your 3 R's. I love the story of the needle-felted manger scene. What a special moment! She did such a fantastic job! I hope you are having a lovely new year so far. <3
Well, I defintitely did notice your absence, because I do enjoy your blog, however, I am happy that you took what you needed. I love the needle felted nativity scene--what a treasure. My little girl made Jesus in the manger, and I was so impressed, and used her idea for my own...I am curious to hear about what else you do until Epiphany--I do have a bit of a hard time keeping Christmas going--we keep our Christmas tree up, and celebrate New Year's and have a nice bonfire on the sixth, (to make up for the sadness of the taking down the Christmas tree.) Anyway, Merry Christmas.
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Thank you, Grace - that means so much to me. You know, I am still trying to figure out how to help extend Christmas the full 12 days. It seems like no matter what I do it just doesn't feel as 'Christmasy'. I am trying to figure out how we can change that for next Christmas but right now we typically make crafts, listen to Christmas music, bake and read the Nativity story over the 12 days. It helps going to mass, too since we are still singing Christmas songs there.
Everyone needs a break sometimes and I figured you were enjoying your family and Christmas. I do enjoy seeing your lovely photos and reading about what you are doing.

The felted Nativity is so sweet and what a thoughtful little girl K is! It seems you are having a Blessed Christmas Season. We too keep our decorations up and songs playing throughout the 12 days of Christmas. It is so fun to find other families who have this tradition too.
That nativity is just wonderful! Such a precious memory. Enjoy your break and being present in the season.
Good for you to take a well earned break - I am glad you are back though! I find your blog inspiring in so many ways. The photos are lovely. Your Nativity story bought a lump to my throat. Keep with it xxxxx
Happy New Year and of course you were missed!! The needle felted nativity is adorable. Haven't let my daughter try needle felting yet - hmm. So sweet that K made one for C! Love your advent spiral.

How fun that you are celebrating getting ready for the Epiphany. Today is my Keira's 6th birthday so I always try and clear the house of Christmas so we can decorate for the birthday. I used some of your ideas with a rainbow silk and a path to the birthday table. K declared it was her best birthday ever and I have to do the same things next year. Enjoy your break with your family. x
I am so glad you are taking some time for you! Your holiday photos are wonderful... thank you for sharing them with us!
So glad all is well...yes, you were definitely missed! :) Your photos are beautiful! I love the precious!
how peaceful these pictures look!

i'm new to blogging and just started following you.
i love how you use elements of waldorf education into your family life!
being a teacher myself, i'm very interested in waldorf education and want to learn more about it.
your blog is an inspiration!

1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Welcome Nina and thank you!
Did you recently become catholic or recently start "talking" about your faith? I didn't have you "pigeon-holed" for want of a better word as a fellow catholic blogger, so I feel like I missed something! And oh my, how sweet a child's approach to the manger is! I loved reading about your darlings special rites!
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Hee,hee. I haven't talked much about it yet but I am on a wonderful journey at the moment following my heart (and yes it has been leading me to the Catholic faith!)
I enjoy your blog so much. Being a Waldorf alumni myself, I love how you follow the Waldorf teachings at home as well. I would love to incorporate more Waldorf life into my home for my two young girls as well. I was wondering what kind of camera you use? I am a beginner but would love to be able to take better pictures of these precious moments with my children.
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Hi Heather! Thank you so much. I am jealous of your educational background ;) I wish I could have attended a Waldorf school growing up.
For the camera I started using a Canon 40D last August with my 50mm 1.4 lens. I was using a Canon Rebel (with the same lens) before that. Even though this 40D is an upgrade from my rebel, I miss my rebel! I am still not used to this camera.
Aw sweet! the little ones and their gifts! Fun to keep the Christmas spirit alive after it's over huh?!

Samantha (Woodland Woolens)
...just found your blog today and I think it's wonderful!!!
You may get a kick out of my daughter's take on a felt nativity scene this year:

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