Thursday, December 22, 2011
Last minute crafts & traditions
Our manger grass is growing!
Apologies for the pictures. We have moved into the basement of our home for the winter which has weird lighting and it's been nothing but dark grey skies here in Oregon.
Today C was inspired by Laura and Mary(when are we not?!), and made Baby L a Christmas gift - a simple toy with some of my old wooden spools and some wool yarn. Once it was finished she decided it was much too pretty to give to her little brother and it should be a necklace for herself instead. K and I talked her back into giving it to Baby L, eventually.
While C was threading spools, K wanted to sew. I am not sure who this is for just yet but she told me it was a tree. I haven't seen her actually sew/embroider like this before and I love it so I secretly hope it's for me!
The girls both painted some ornaments I picked up at Jo-Ann's earlier this month to hang on our tree, while I finished up some cards to mail out.
K's Advent wreath creation, still in progress and her playsilk Advent wreath in our living room.
I never did get around to sharing our new Jesse tree tradition with you. The girls are really enjoying it. I want to make a nice wooden tree with ornaments for us to use every year but I didn't have the means nor the time to attempt that. Instead we bought some poster board, cut out a tree shape and hung it on the wall. We used this free packet to make the ornaments. It includes readings and references and is specific to this year.
I was a bit curious as to how the coloring of the ornaments would go. The girls aren't really used to coloring in things as they are usually given blank paper to draw and color whatever they desire on, but they seemed to have a good time with it.
Baby L is having a rough time sleeping tonight (hence the later than usual post) and I am falling asleep typing this so I think that's my cue to get off the computer and go to bed.
Last minute crafts & traditions
Festivals/Celebrations|little ones|made by my little ones|