
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Coming Around

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (the girls woke up to this set up at their table including this book:Talking Eagle and the Lady of Roses: The Story of Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe )

Not the best pic but I swear it looks like she is watching over them, doesn't it?

(What happens when your little ones decorate your tree - all the ornaments are in one area)

Just popping in quick as I address Christmas cards by the fire. I think I am starting to come back around, thank you for your words of encouragment. I filled up a trash bag and a box yesterday of things to donate and get out of our home. My desire to knit is slowly coming back and I want to take advantage of it while I can. I have to finish up start an ornament for our yearly Living Crafts swap that was due back on Saint Nicholas day, so that I may mail it with my Christmas cards tomorrow. For tonight I thought I would just share glimpses of a few things going on in our lives. I'll be back tomorrow night with my weekly Rhythm In Our Home post, if not sooner. See you then!
