
Monday, November 21, 2011

The Princess & The Wolf (A Small Sewing Tale)

One fine autumn day a young princess was playing with her kitties inside when her Mama told her that Father Sun would soon be departing her beloved land and she best get outside and bid him a fond farewell until next Summertime. The princess took heed to her Mama's advice and decided to play with Father Sun while she still could. The princess wanted to dress in her finest clothes to see Father Sun one last time and bid him farewell but it was quite cold outside, as Jack Frost had already visited, so what was she to wear? Her Mama understood her predicament and disappeared into her sewing room, remembering her promise to the princess that she would make her warm dresses this winter. She came back carrying a new winter dress, fresh off the sewing machine. This dress was very warm as it sewn with a heavy cotton/linen fabric and then lined with flannel. To make it even cozier, it had long flannel bloomers to keep the princess' legs warm.

The princess squealed with delight and quickly put her new dress and bloomers on over her woolen under layers. She grabbed her warm wool headband and shoes and was out the door.

She came out and danced and played in Father Sun's rays. This brought much joy to Father Sun so he sent down beautiful yellow leaves dancing off the trees around her and on to the ground.

Her singing and dancing caught the attention of a nearby rascal wolf and he came by to see what was going on. When he saw the princess' dancing he became entranced and joined her. The princess was frightened at first but then realized this was a friendly wolf. They danced and played with Father Sun for hours on end along with some of their other forest friends - including a little lost snow child. No matter how cold it grew outside, the princess stayed warm in her new clothing.

Finally, Father Sun had to leave and the princess heard her Mama in the distance calling her in for dinner. She waved good-bye to her friends, wishing them well and then made her way back home for a warm meal.

Goodnight my dear friends.

The dress pattern is Big Sprout by Make it Perfect. I made the size 7 but with the length of the size 8 for my tall skinny 6 year old. I wanted the sleeves to be a bit long for her to grow in to but also so that you would see the contrasting blue flannel.

The fabric is from the Heather Ross Far, Far Away line. I actually pre-ordered it through a co-op years ago (during my crazy 'I think I have more money than I really do' credit card spending days), and then it sat and sat waiting for me to do something with it. I ordered quite a bunch of the line in many different prints (you saw Baby L wearing some of it before) with the intention to make a couple of dresses for the girls out of it and coordinating fabric. Well, I took so long to get to it, I could only make one dress and a doll papoose out of this Rapunzel fabric. I still have quite a bit of the sleeping beauty fabric, though, so I may be able to get two dresses out of that.

K's knit headband can be found here with modifications.

Remember my wish to make K some winter dresses this year and my desperate plea for help with a warm dress pattern? Well, many of you responded to that plea and really helped me out. Kelly, directed me to the smaller version of the pattern I mentioned above, and I am so glad she did.(It's funny how her source was my friend's website and that I was holding on to almost the same fabric for warm dresses, too. Oh how often we think alike, gotta love that. Thank you for the further inspiration! It's so important to give credit where it's due!) It is absolutely perfect.

I think this is her new favorite dress. She asks me if she can wear it every day to school. One of her teachers asked if I could make her one (I wish I could!) However, the big clue to me that she loves it was when she wore it last Wednesday night and I told her dinner was ready - she ran into her room instead of the dining room and closed the door behind her. She then came out in her pjs and sat down at the table. I guess I had a puzzled look on my face because she told me that was afraid she'd get her dress dirty. That never happens, she normally wouldn't care if she got food on her clothes, and we always say that we gauge how much fun our little ones had outside by how much dirt they are wearing when they come back in. They know that getting dirty and having fun is always ok with us. My silly little girl!

