
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Vegetable Loving Vegetarian Girls

Try saying that five times fast! Hee,hee.

Rock star pop with kale and strawberry jam

I like to think my children eat quite well. Their diet is quite varied, almost all their food is made from scratch and it's always filled with healthy goodness. But as of late, my sweet vegetable loving vegetarian girls have forsaken their veggie friends. I just could not get them to eat them anymore, except on some various occasions they would eat them raw. They really took interest in eating them frozen, though. C, for example, wouldn't eat the broccoli cooked on her pizza but she would devour half of the bag of frozen broccoli as we prepared it (We have our homemade pizza day Friday).

It was as if it was fate - what perfect timing for Anni's new book Ice Pop Joy to come my way. What a brilliant way to get my girls back into their veggies - put them in popsicle form! Now, not all of the recipes have veggies in them, but they are all sugar-free, mouth watering and healthy at the same time. That's quite a bit to pull off!

I admit, Anni sent me this book quite awhile ago and I didn't intend for it to take me this long to actually tell all of you about it. I had a feeling we would love it even before we tried the first recipe so I just knew I would be sharing it.

When it first arrived the girls and I sat on the couch while I nursed Baby L looking through the book. They pointed out each recipe they wanted to try (which was just about all of them), and I made mental notes. I was admiring the beautiful photography as we did this. Since Anni is a fellow Waldorf Mama, I enjoyed spotting the Waldorf references in the book - like introducing 'fairy bites'. We do that at home, too.

We took our sweet time trying nearly every single recipe in the book, a few of them we tried many, many times. The girls are in popsicle heaven. We have been literally making a new batch of popsicles from the book every single night. The girls go through all six popsicles day. With such healthy ingredients I don't mind at all, in fact I encourage them!

Some of the ice pops have been on our 'to do' list just waiting for the fruit we needed to become available. Our wild blackberries are just starting to come in, with us finding about a handful of ripe ones a day, so we'll be making those ice pops very soon!

Since I can not partake in the dairy and soy recipes I have only had a couple of the pops myself (I plan on making some of those recipes with my coconut yogurt and milk, though). I couldn't get over how refreshing they were. My personal favorite is the granola pop.We were able to use our homemade granola in it and my favorite rice drink. I had to stop myself from eating them all on the girls!

Kevin has been enjoying them, as well. To me, that says a lotabout the recipes. He has a huge sweet tooth seriously, I didn't know it was humanly possible for anyone to love sugar so much, and normally doesn't get too excited about our sugar-free creations. Now he's fighting with the girls over who gets to lick the spatula after I've blended up a new batch.

What a wonderful summer treat. Thank you Anni for helping us get back on track. I wish I could invite all of you over to our house to enjoy some with us. I say Ice Pops all around!!

I forgot to say it before - Happy world breastfeeding week, everyone!
Last chance to enter the Carefree Clothes for Girls giveaway.
