Monday, August 29, 2011
Rhythm In Our Home : Crafting
Time for our weekly rhythm post, again! This time I'll dive into our crafting rhythm. The girls and I have Tuesday set aside as our craft day. Just like the other weekly rhythm activities - this is special Mama/Girlies time.
It's no lie that the girls craft every free moment of every day, but even so our weekly craft day is special. The rest of the week their crafting activities are mostly things they do on their own from their imaginations. We have craft stations set up throughout our home so that whenever they are feeling inspired they can instantly create without having to wait on us to get out all of their supplies. They usually only include me if they need help or want something made to help out with their endeavors.
Our crafting time together is about the process and the whole experience of creating - not so much the end result. Some craft day projects will be a bit more elaborate while others will be something as simple as cutting and gluing paper. Some examples would be gluing and adding finishing touches to caterpillars, sprouting grass, or making beeswax candles or ornaments. When C used to nap K and I would work on window stars together. We stopped when she stopped napping as she is too young to do that project. I think we may try to do that again this year and maybe give C some colorful kite paper to cut and glue into her own stars.
Most recently we made sun prints. My friend Joy reminded me of this project. I picked up the sunprint kit back in college on an oceanography trip and forgot all about them. I am very thankful for Joy's reminder as the girls had a blast making them. They reminded me of my days living in the dark room back before photography went digital. I miss those days...anyways- back to rhythm! Craft day plans need not be extensive or grand by any means. All that truly matters to me is that it is something we are all doing together. I submerge myself fully into our projects making sure to be 100% attentive, very present and in the moment. Crafting is one of K's favorite times to 'chat' about everything and anything going on in her life, which is a nice reminder to me as to why we need this time together.
A couple of the things we do on our craft days are interchangeable with our handwork days. Making play dough, or gak, for example. Those projects are good for those days when the girls are having a hard time staying in control of their bodies.
Please remember - this is just our family rhythm and what works for us at the moment. This isn't meant to be hard and fast rules on how rhythm should go in every one or any one's homes. I just thought to share it because I receive quite a few e-mails asking about our home rhythm, and I also just wanted it documented for me to remember when they are older and on to another rhythm.
Thank you, again, for joining me in the rhythm fun! Here is the linky list. If you have a (new or old) link you would like to share about your family rhythm, please enter it below so that we all may see. Then please link back here in your post. I look forward to seeing your inspiration!
Thanks friends!
daily home rhythm,
Rhythm in Our Home,
Rhythm In Our Home : Crafting
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