
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

WIP Wednesday: Knitting vs. Sewing

Where should I begin? Much to my excitement my fabric arrived just a couple days after my last WIP Wednesday post and oh my do I love it! I actually got a couple other different fabrics not pictured, they are currently hiding in the closet from prying eyes. I washed the princess and the pea fabric the minute I opened it so I could get some work on the secret surprise done before the yarn arrived. I did make a bit of progress, but then...

*sigh* so I'm back to knitting for that magazine project and the secret surprise is back to the back burner. I am normally more excited over knitting than I am sewing but this time around it is the opposite. I really just want to sew. I was so excited over taking part in this project for such a great magazine but for some reason my momentum has left me. That usually does happen to me. Then something makes me get head over heels excited again and it's like I never lost it in the first place. Hopefully, now that I have my yarn and I can get back to knitting, it will come back to me.
I did sneak in some more work on K's surprise that night though

I couldn't resist! That may be the teeniest crown of all!

To make the yarn choices less mysterious, here's a little hint as to what that yellow will be used for

What do you think? Pretty close?
*ETA: I apologize some of the pics are rather washed out looking. My laptop is a bit haywire at the moment.*



Kelly said...

Hmmmm, I think I can guess! :)
We are due to get some of that fab fabric any day now - very exciting! My girls love the story so this is a special treat :) Can't wait to see what you do with it!

Anonymous said...

So fun to see you over at Wipster Central today! LOVE the teeny tiny crown :-). Will you be making a house-hunting trip to OR soon? We leave in just under 2 weeks!!!

Jen said...

I am feeling more like sewing lately too. Maybe it is the warmer weather we are having? It seems more conducive to working with light weight fabrics rather than wool :) Good luck on all of your projects!

~Kris said...

I too have an idea what you are making - and i for one can't wait to see it! The color looks good (better then mine) - now i know where to get yarn for when i make play food!

Julie said...

That itty bitty crown is precious! Can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I saw you were the featured Wipster. Your talent is amazing.


Marina said...

Such fun fabric and I am excited to see more of the secret projects! Usually I'm more excited about the sewing than the knitting, but have found myself knitting crazily these days (but that could also be due to my sewing machine being buried in the craft area ;})

Anonymous said...

See, I don't know how to knit (yet) so I don't have to deal with such things!
Thanks again for being our featured Wipster this week - the response has been just wonderful!

Doula Mommy said...

So sweet! (and yes, I love that fabric, your "secret" project is on my to-do list!) I'm also fighting the "I want to sew" bug, but since the three kidlets are never on the same schedule, it's just not happening at the moment- knitting just fits in my day better right now! (and I did my own WIP Wed. post, thanks for the idea!)

Joy said...

Love, love, love the fabric. So adorable. I can't believe the secret surprise is on the back burner! Ack...more waiting. ;) Good luck with the knitting.

Prairie Girl said...

Hi there - I'm one of your contacts over on Flickr (from the Waldorfmama doll sweater, I think) and saw the pic of your sweet girl on the swing and THEN noticed you had a blog, so thought I would drop in and say hello!

Love the shot of the pear and the yarn - two very yummy looking items :)

gardenmama said...

I hear what you are saying about deciding between knitting and sewing, it is definitely a seasonal thing for me : ) I love the tiny crown, so sweet!!

Sheila said...

love the princess and the pea fabric, and I love the little red riding hood fabric so much! Where do you order from?

FrontierDreams said...

woodspritemama- oh yay! you'll love it in person! what are you doing with yours?.

jumbleberryjam- eek 2 weeks!!! we won't be making a trip ahead of time, we are basically going out there completely blind in august. we'll rent a month to month apartment until we find a house.

jen- i think you're spot on! knitting in the heat makes me a bit hot and itchy.

persikka- yes they have great yarn for that purpose! glad i could help ;)

julie and krys- thank you so much! krys you are too kind!

marina- woo hoo!! i want to know what you're knitting!! are you using the 3IG?! yipee!! i'm so excited for you!

shelly- i wish i didn't know how to do both sometimes so i wouldn't have to decide! tee hee. and thank you again for the honor of being your featured wipster! <3

jessica- yay! must check it out!!

joy- i know! i can't stand waiting!!

praire girl- welcome! so nice to 'see you' here!!

gardenmama- yeah i'm feeling it's seasonal too!

sheila- i got it on etsy from 2 different sellers, one was from japan (seller name: this and that from japan ) the other was in the US but i forgot their name. I'll look it up for you :)

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