
Friday, June 5, 2009

Featured WIPster? Who, me?!

I had to share with everyone how honored and amazed I am that I am the June featured WIPster. You can find the info HERE
Thank you Shelly for the honor.

I have been a bit absent this week from the computer. The girls and I have been keeping ourselves rather busy and I am still a bit stressed over figuring out my pattern for that project. I have been able to work online only after they have gone to bed, but I have found myself rather exhausted by then too. Plus, I do have to admit it's hard to resist this sweet dirty sleeping face

and this kitty butt in the air!

Have a great weekend! This is Pirate Festival weekend for us!!



Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your interview with Shellyfish! :-) Not much going on here either 'cept packin'! See you on the other side...

itsystitch said...

that first image is so precious!!

Anonymous said...

Oh that sweet sleeping angel! Beautiful photos, but that first one really got me.
Thanks again for being our Wipster for June.

gardenmama said...

Enjoy your weekend Nicole!
Sweet pictures : )

Prairie Girl said...

Nothing quite so precious as a sleep baby. And both pictures are just so sweet.

FrontierDreams said...

Thank you everyone! <3 Hope you all had a fun weekend!

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