
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Obsessed, you say? Nah, not me!

Okay...Maybe just a little bit...Look at what just arrived at my door *Drool* More Fiona yarn from Three Irish Girls. This time I had them dye up some matching trim and some sock yarn too. Can't wait! I plan on making C longies and a sweater for this Autumn/Winter and maybe socks for both the girls. We shall see.

Speaking of Fiona yarn. I finished up the doll cardigan last night.
K loves it. I will be making many more for the rest of the doll family in our home.

While we are at it, here's some silly moments from today.



Joy said...

The doll cardigan turned out really beautiful. :) Your girls are too sweet. Great dollhouse!

Peace Creek Dolls said...

oh I love love the sweater.. do you sell them? Its amazing! I wish I were a better knitter.I need some help I think because I drool over the things you make and wish I could do the same for my girlies, I just cannot get past basic stitches...knitting is my one huge hangup, and love ugh.xx

Donna said...

Love the dolls cardigan! It is a delight to see all your lovely wardolf toys too.

Tan Family said...

Wow! What a beautiful sweater. You should sell these on Etsy. Where did you get that beautiful wood doll house?

Lizz said...


Colleen said...

I love the colours of the doll cardigan. I made one from the waldorfmama pattern too, using noro yarn. Isn't it such an easy pattern to follow. I love it.

FrontierDreams said...

Thank you ladies :) Knitting has really become my stress relief lately so I've been doing more and more of it :P

ruralmamma- I know what you mean. I've been knitting about 3 years now but it took me at least the first 1 1/2 years to get past my hang ups. I started out with kids patterns so I felt some kind of accomplishment relatively quickly. That seemed to help me out and get me bast my knitting issues. This pattern is really easy to knit up,just involves knitting and purling.
I don't sell them,it's a free pattern Shelley (aka waldorfmama- designed. She sells them in her waldorfmama etsy store. I don't think she has any up right now but if you contact her I am sure she'd do a custom for you. I *think* she may even have some TIG fiona yarn ;) HTH!!

The dollhouse is made by Kinderkram. I had my friend Tiffeni at Kinderhaus special order it a couple years ago for K. If you search Kinderkram you should be able to find some online :) Tiffeni said she won't be ordering anymore b/c shiping from germany for such a big item was a bit much.

Colleen- I'd love to see the one you knit up! Do you have a pic?

Thanks again everyone! I'm off to FINALLY upload the birthday crown tutorial.

Alicia said...

Beautiful doll sweater, and beautiful girls! I must give that cardigan a go, but I'm not great at knitting :(

Anonymous said...

Gah! I love that doll cardigan, esp. pink and orange. You are so talented!

FrontierDreams said...

you are much to kind! thank you.
pink and orange are one of my fav color combos :)

Blue Skies & Dragonflies said...

i love the doll house, which one is it??

FrontierDreams said...

Hi there! I don't know the exact name of it but it is made by Kinderkram. If you google Kinderkram doll house it should come up. HTH!

Audra Harvey said...

love the doll house what doll Furniture did you get for it??

FrontierDreams said...

I bought most of it from my friend's store. It was made by spiel and holz. HTH!

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