
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

From all of us :)

One happy:

One...ummm..not to thrilled!

Ahhh much better!

We are all sick..AGAIN and miserable. It's been raining non-stop the past few days. (That explains my horrible photos,too by the way! no light and sickness) The girls have cabin fever and we are running out of ideas! Eeeek!!!



Kimberley said...

Ahhh, we went through that at our house about 2 weeks ago, all of us had the flu for a week, for 3 consecutive weeks. Blah! Get well soon! I can't even remember what we did to pass the time, except nap and snuggle and nap some more! We did a little garden dreaming through the snow too!

On a side note, those overalls are SOOOOOO cute...did you make them? Pattern info PLEASE!!!!!

Amber said...

Happy St. Patrick's day!
Sorry to hear you're all sick and hope that ends soon.

PS. You never take bad pictures, like ever. Seriously! Your blog always looks awesome.

Marina said...

Oh my gosh, please give your girls some kisses and hugs for me, their cuteness kills me! Waahhhh, love my boys, but I WANT girls too! Love C's overalls!

We've been b.a.r.e.l.y surviving a spell of rainy days, I've given up any semblance of normalcy in the house and have let the boys bounce off the walls (almost literally!)

I hope you and your brood feel better *hugs*!

Happy St. Pat's Day!

Jennifer Johnson said...

Those photos are precious. So sorry you are sick. Sending warm, sunshiny thoughts your way.

Joy said...

What sweet photos! Kids can be so funny about their headgear. :) I hope everyone feels better soon, especially now that the sun is shining again.

Lizz said...

Wishing you well through this seasonal transition.

FrontierDreams said...

Thank you everyone for such kind words! Your encouragementis helping us through this!

Kimberley- my best friend gave those overalls to us. I wish I had a pattern!!

Amber- You made me blush! I think otherwise,though. LOL You're to sweet.

Marina- I want a boy! LOL

Lisa said...

This is too stinkin' cute!

dottyspots said...

ROFL! That shamrock headband really wasn't appreciated!

FrontierDreams said...

LOL yeah I think headbands will not be going over well with her from now on! :p

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