
Monday, January 26, 2009

Currently going on in our home....

This is our last week with our best friends before they move to Fl so I will be away again this week but thought I'd put up a quick post,again.

Dollhouse play by K:

Finished knitting up socks for K with yarn I dyed myself.This was the 1st time I ever tried dying my own. I used kool-aid as dye in orange,pink lemonade and strawberry on o-wool 2-ply yarn.

I FINALLY got around to replacing that rocking horse's tail! If you remember this horse was a thrift store find last summer for a couple bucks. I bees waxed him way back then but only now did the tail. I used some O-wool yarn in chocolate.
you can see what his tail looked like originally here:

and yes k dressed herself!



Anonymous said...

Love the socks; they're so bright and happy!

Kimberley said...

Wow! I love the socks! The colors are beautiful. I am sorry your friend is moving, that is so tough. My best friend moved to Oklahoma! It is an adjustment for sure...luckily the internet makes the distance feel a little closer.

We are the only waldorf family in our town, the closest school is more than an hour away...I keep it up in our home because it is important to us and gain inspiration from the blogosphere (thanks to you and waldorf mama) and constant reading (when I'm not knitting!)!

Check out my family blog anytime!

Anonymous said...

cool-aid dye job.....nice! and i thought i'd never have cool-aid in my house :)! can you share some tips and pointers. i know i can do this....just like a little nudge :)!

enjoy loving up your friends!

kivyn said...

That horse has undergone quite a transformation! He's just beautiful!

FrontierDreams said...

Nicole- thanks! it's my fav color combo.
Kimberley- i'm sorry your best friend moved too :( mine just left this morning and i miss her terribly allready. i,now, am the only waldorf family in my area,too.but i know what you mean about gaining inspiration online,i do that as well :) we are hoping to move to waldorf community this summer if all goes as planned with my husband's job *fingers crossed*.
isn't shelley (waldorfmama) wonderful? she's my inspiration too :)

hillary- ha,ha i know what you mean! i haven't seen/touched koolaid since i was a kid. yes you can do it!! i followed the instructions here: and it was really simple!

Kivyn- thank you, i'm growing fond of our $4 thrift store find :)

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