
Saturday, December 20, 2008

More Winter Decorating

Preparing for the first day of winter,tomorrow.
I'm back to knitting like mad. I somehow lost one of C's cupcake mittens and have to knit another one so her hands are nice and warm. I finished up her special outfit and I'm working on a couple last minute things for the girls. Phew!!

How could anyone not love this face?

Snowman star and 'golden' walnut in our kitchen window:

Our little Norfolk pine tree. We had to put it up on a table to stop the animals from eating the decorations. We still have more tangerines to cut up and more acorns to felt to fill the tree up a bit more.

Our tangerine ornaments on our tiny Charlie Brown tree,along with our popcorn and cranberries garland...that took forever to string!!

Our felted acorn ornaments.

The top of the girls' kitchen:

Kitchen counter:

K's favorite decoration, our wintertime pyramid.



Lovey said...

Your decorations are adorable - not to mention that sweet child. I really like how your tree is decorated - that is very special. I forgot about my plans to make popcorn garland. Thanks for the reminder.


MamaBirdEmma said...

Beautiful job!

I saw a few of those pyramids at Tuesday Morning and was so tempted to get one. Perhaps they'll be on sale soon... the budgets a bit tight!

FrontierDreams said...

Lovey: Thanks :) I'm glad I could remind you! I had to learn the hard way not to do it around cats or dogs! LOL
Emma: Thanks you! they are wonderful aren't they? I'm glad we allready had ours b/c we are really tight on money now too :( We got ours a couple years ago from the wooden

Anonymous said...

Your home looks so beautiful and festive! I hope you're enjoying this Christmas season! Peace to you and Happy Solstice as well!

FrontierDreams said...

you too! thank you!

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