
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our Long Day

A bit of comic relief is always needed! This is how the nurses packaged up little L's dirty (cloth) diaper.

Thank you so so much for your thoughts, prayers and kindness. I am so blessed to have such a caring online community. Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart.

Well, Friday has come and gone and we got through it. I won't lie, it was an extremely hard day on me. I cried the whole way to the hospital and then was quite a mess when I had to leave little L and Kevin there to drive back to school and get K. Kevin said he was a little trooper while I was gone, fairing much better than me. That was quite a relief.

Something absolutely magical happened, though, when I picked K up. C's teacher was helping out in K's classroom that day and she asked us to wait for her as she took the aftercare children outside. When she came back she told me she had the rest of the day off, and grabbed her purse and shoes to come with us. I reminded her we would be there all day but she didn't care. Talk about a guardian angel... I can not even begin to tell you how blessed and comforted we were. Having her with us really saved all of us. She kept our minds off of the reality we were going through, not to mention how happy the girls were to have her with them out of school. What an honor! I have to, yet again, say just how fortunate and extremely blessed we are to have such caring, incredible, angelic souls watching over our whole family in our school community. Words can't describe how eternally grateful we are.

We never told the girls what L was going through, they are much too young, to them all of this was just an extended doctors appointment. They knew that when we picked up K from school we'd be spending the rest of the day at the hospital. We packed a special bag for each of them filled with food, food and more food (they are always hungry and empty bellies mean cranky girlies), as well as some candle making supplies. Although they ended up just playing and enjoying time with C's teacher (and who can blame them?!) instead.

L ended up having to go about 8-9 hours without nursing. He needed three different scans and each was an hour long. Partway through his last scan his IV came out so he started to wake up. They had to then put the IV in his scalp instead (ick!). But he made it through all three and was very happy to be with us afterwards. I felt so naked without him all day long as if part of me was missing but then felt whole again having him back in my arms. We won't know the results of the MRI until sometime next week, so I am trying to keep myself busy so I don't think about it. The MRI is done and over with so that is good news and what I will focus on for now. I also believe he chose us to be his parents so he must somehow know that we can handle all of this and be all the support and love that he needs.

And the child's soul Be guided by me According to your will Into spirit worlds. ~ Rudolf Steiner : Prayers for Parents and Children



Joy said...

I'm so grateful for you that you had angels watching with you. You're a brave mama to have such a positive outlook. I'll continue praying and sending positive light over the next week until you hear the results of the MRI. xoxo

Leigh said...

Oh, Nicole, we are all praying for you and little L, and wishing him the best of health.

renee ~ heirloom seasons said...

Oh dear, I have been thinking of you so often and will continue to do so. I am glad you got through the rough day, and so happy you had your angels to help you all through.
(They had to do that to Chessa too, IV in the head!)
I pray for good news this next week when you receive the results, thanks for updating us.
Love to you all! xoxoxo

Prairie Girl said...

Oh Nicole, my chest aches to think of spending a day without your precious babe in your arms. I showed my biggest girl a picture of your little L on your blog the other day, and then gathered my youngest in my arms and asked the eldest to hold the hand of the youngest. Together, the three of us prayed for you and your little boy. We believe that where two or more are gathered, God's spirit is also. We will continue to pray. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update, Nicole. I am so very happy that you all were being cared for on that terrifying day. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts.

a little crafty nest said...

Dear Nicole, I've written to you before and mentioned that we have just experienced the medical world unexpectedly also. It can be so overwhelming and scary for us parents to watch our beloved babies enduring the procedures necessary to help them. I wholeheartedly agree with you that they have chosen us as's really what keeps me going as my little 2 year old girl endures SO much...every single day for the rest of her life. Your little L is an angel, watched over by angels. In fact, I just picked up a book by Dr. Steiner entitled "Guardian Angels". Ohhhh, this looks good. Many warm hugs to all of you. You are in my thoughts.
xo Jules

Sheila said...

thanks for the update Nicole, we've been thinking about your family and little L!

Kory said...

Glad to hear you guys made it through a tough day, and how great of the teacher to come help out! I will certainly continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, especially as you play the awful waiting game!

Julie said...

Hugs to you mama. I can only imagine what you are going through. You really are blessed to have so many caring for your family. You are in my thoughts.

sherene said...

Good Job, mama. And so true, we have the strength to help them through. My eldest was in the PICU shortly after birth, those IV's are hard on little veins. I'm glad you all got through it in good spirits.

Laura said...

I so love what you wrote about L choosing you because you are strong enough to handle this. Makes me want to cry really. Wishing you strength and love and support x

Bending Birches said...

I find it so inspiring that your EC teacher accompanied you to the hospital. that speaks volumes. truly.
the iv in the scalp is horrible; they had to do this t w when he was 2 months old. i was a mess. but children; even infants, are so resilient. L is probably so firmly attached to you at this point that he trusts that all will be well....
i am thinking of you...
please let me know if there is anything i can do...give your little ones a good squeeze for me:)
your friend,

Mein Weg said...

It is such a gift to have people like the "guardian angel" with you.

blessings to you and your family!

TwigandToadstool said...

Blessings and love to you and yours brave mama.

melody said...

Of course you are exactly what he needs.

Mama Ash Grove said...

Nicole, I've been thinking of you all weekend~
How wonderful that you have such a guardian angel!!!
I'm keeping you in my thoughts,

La Chili said...

I'm glad this not-so-nice part pass already, and i really really hope that that will be it, that he will be fine. I continue to pry for him.

Tonya Gunn said...

I have been thinking of you all this weekend and kept your family in my prayers. What a blessing to have such a wonderful friend.
Warm wishes, Tonya

frau kreativberg said...

thinking so much of you. maria

Rose said...

My thoughts are with you every day! Love to you and your family!!

I've had to live those days of waiting for test results and they are so excruciating. Wishing you peace in this time of uncertainty.

Unknown said...

love you ni! hang in there sweetie....xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Potato said...

Oh Nicole, what a difficult time for you all, thank goodness for K's teacher! I will be keeping you and your sweet boy in my thoughts as you wait through the next few days.

thegirlsmom said...

I think little L definitely chose you. All I could think about when I read your last post was how lucky he was to be a part of your special family! I am thinking about you all and sending love and prayers for everything to work out xxx

Anonymous said...

***Angels*** love! And how wonderful that the girls were comforted and nicely entertained. Such a treat, indeed!

The BioHazard bag made me giggle and as I looked closer so did the Dream Eze. Those are my *favorite* diapers. The company who made them was based in Bozeman, so when we lived there I sampled many of their makings. These were by far my faves. I only wish I had bought more because now I cannot find them any-where! Sigh.

Sending you love sweet friend.

Unknown said...

So glad to hear the update! Have been thinking about you! How wonderful that C's teacher came to help. Magic! Have a wonderful begining to this week. Look forward to the next update. Wishing you sweet blessings on the information to come.

boatbaby said...

Brave brave mama and brave baby boy! So amazing that you have others to be there for you. Know that we're all here too remotely, but here.

Enifur said...

Sending a lot of strength for the next days!

Beth said...

I am sending prayers, right NOW. love, Beth

The Knitty Gritty Homestead said...

Oh, mama, I've been there (in a different way)...I'm two years past it and can hardly think about it. You will find strength you didn't know was there, and few things will ever scare you again after going through the scariest thing there is. Prayers to you and your little one, and your whole family. You can read about our family's journey through our infant's heart surgery here:

Jessica said...

What an amazing school community you have! So blessed.

So glad to hear that this part of the journey is over and praying for an easy sail from here on out.

Bet you are cradling that baby (and his wonderful sisters) close!

saraelise said...

I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and in my heart~

Angela said...

I am so happy that you had some wonderful support on a very challenging day! I wishing you all the best. What a strong mama you are even if you don't feel like it.
Thanks for sharing the sweet candle craft.


Leslie said...

Rosemary had an MRI today too. This was her third. It was a long day. I'm saying many prayers for you all and hope your answers come soon. Much love.

kirschkernzeit said...

Dear Nicole! that's all unbelievable... so hard only to read about it... How terrible you must feel... I can't even imagine... When we get pregnangt, we usually believe, that there will be a time of bliss and love and future, simply future we are heading for with that child in our tummy... and I come to realize more and more when I read about storys like yours or hear about them in my own family (my cousins little girl was born really, really sick this week), that there are so sadly different possibilities too... But sometimes everythings will turn out good! I really hope and pray for you and this cute, oh So cute little guy that in your case this will be the case! Your childern are amazing and I can see your love to them in every single post you share with us, Nicole.
I'll keep you all in my thoughts. Promised!
Bora from Switzerland
PS. I really read everyone of your posts... but silently though touched...

sarah said...

It's been along time since i have read your blog. It's always so beautifully written. I read your 2 post about you beautiful boy and just wanted to send you good vibes.

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