
Monday, March 28, 2011

Their Magic Sticks

A few weeks before our little L was born, K's teacher gave me the perfect story to tell the girls in preparation. It is called 'The Magic Stick' and it is actually from the book 'Healing Stories for Challenging Behaviour'.

The first time I told the story both of my girls seemed to hang on to every word. It's about a little girl who finds a stick in her garden. It sings to her, 'Wrap me up in colors bright; keep me safe both day and night - And when there's magic in the air, I'll lead you to a treasure fair!'. She decides it is a magic stick and brings it inside with her. She wraps it up in her mother's wool roving and keeps it in a special place on her nightstand. It would wake her up in the morning singing, 'Today there's magic in the air, I'll lead you to a treasure fair!' and she would follow wherever it led her. The first morning it lead her to bird feathers in the garden and she decorated it with them. The next morning it lead her to shells on the beach and she again adorned it with them and then lastly it lead her to her parents' room where she found her new tiny baby sleeping between them. She thought 'this is indeed a treasure fair' and held up her magic stick for the little baby to see. The magic stick continued to bring her to many treasures fair but finding a new baby in her parents' bed was her most favorite treasure fair of all.

We told this story over and over again for many, many nights.

Then one day at school on our way to the car K stopped and picked up a stick and said it was her magic stick. C (always wanting so badly to be just like big sister) immediately picked up a stick as well and said it was her magic stick.
We brought them home and pulled out some of my wool roving stash, some seashells we collected last year at the coast, and 2 very special peacock feathers that I gathered years ago while living at an ashram.

Just like the story, the first wrapped their sticks in the wool roving. As they did this I drilled small holes into their seashells (let me tell you, they are tougher to drill through than they look!) and then they threaded their shells onto wool yarn and wrapped them around their sticks as well. Finally, they added their feathers and then they were finished.

They both carried their magic sticks around the house singing, 'Today there's magic in the air, I'll lead you to a treasure fair!'.
Needless to say they were a big hit. K even brought her stick to school the next day to show her teachers. I think the act of making their own magic sticks really helped to bring the story to life for them and engaged their senses.

When L was born both girls had their special magic sticks with them to show him, just like the little girl in the story. K said her favorite 'treasure fair' was finding L. Talk about making a Mama's heart swoon!!

Their magic sticks now live on their nightstand in a special vessel I felted just for that purpose (rav notes here). I hope they see them and remember their baby brother crossing the rainbow bridge onto earth for a long time.



Kristina Clemens said...

This was such a great post! I'm a freelance clothing designer, and I love seeing little ones three year old daughter loves to "help" me sew by putting the supplies right on top of my sewing machine. =)

Kristina J.

Beth said...

This is a beautiful story, sweetly told and illustrated. love, Beth

boatbaby said...

What a perfectly sweet idea. Wish I had known the story back in October :)
Hugs to little L, I hope his light is shining bright for you all.

Centro la Milpa said...

They are just beautiful.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

So lovely! I've had _Healing Stories..._ for some time, but never made time to read it. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful example of why I should make time for it! Thinking of you all often.

nunu said...

so sweet! tears in my eyes... i have that book on my wish list. i love that you shared this with us. the magic sticks are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet story, and a lovely idea. Thank you for sharing!

Kory said...

That book is one on my wish list too, now I may have the perfect 'excuse' to buy it as we have a little one on the way, thank you for sharing this!

The Knitty Gritty Homestead said...

Oh, so beautiful! The gentle colours, those little hands creating beauty from nature...MY heart swoons!

Teena said...

Love that idea! I must check out that book! Thanks for sharing!!!

Little Liza Jane said...

Love the story and sticks! Hope all is well with you and yours. I know you where down this winter so I hope the new spring will bring more joy and blessings to you!

Blogger said...

Beautiful story.

Watkins said...

This is such a sweet idea. We may use it in the future. I hope you are finding the rhythm of five.

Jessica said...

So very sweet! I've been wanting Healing Stories for Challenging Behavior for a very long glad to hear that the stories are relevant and magical!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Nicole!
It is so incredible (affirming and nourishing...) when we find a story that sings to us, tell it to our children and then watch that story come to life in their world, in their own way...Lovely!

FrontierDreams said...

It is such a wonderful book. Our school library has it and I check it out quite often.

Cristina said...

That's a beautiful story and I love how they made it so real. I have a felted container so similar but I like yours a lot better...mine is a bit floppy!

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