
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Let LIGHT shine

Saturday, Feb 19th light filled our lives once again. After a fast labor and beautiful water birth our sweet little winter boy (!) crossed over the rainbow bridge and into our arms.

*cough* Please don't mind my crazy ponytail hair action above!
We gave our sweet boy a Latin name that is the masculine form of Lucia (As in St. Lucia), and it means light. Not only is he filling our lives with light and happiness but his birth month of February also marks the beginning of the return of the sun after months of darkness. As you can see, his name seemed so very appropriate for him.

We are all so smitten with this little guy. He adores K and her singing.

He was 8lbs 11 oz at birth, our biggest baby yet, so he just barely fit into some of his mama made clothes.

Oh how I love little tiny baby legs and feet

...not to mention cute little fingers!

Welcome to the world!!



Lise said...

Congratulations! What a cutie!!!

Mackenzie said...

Oh congratulations Nicole and family!! He is perfect in every way <3

waldorfmama said...

congratulations, nicole! he's so beautiful! and what a perfectly fitting name. :) big hugs, my sweet friend!!! thinking of you and wishing you peace and joy during this babymoon time!

eidolons said...

Oh my! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family! My youngest was only (yes, only) 8.5 pounds at birth. He's ten months old now and wearing his two year old brother's clothes (who was nine pounds at birth). Boys and their crazy growth. (:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and your family!
He is so cute. Love his name.
Oh the baby bliss you all must be having. :)

nunu said...

congratulations! what a beautiful boy! happy for you to have the light back in your world. i love his pilot cap - did you make it?

Kyrie said...

Oh!!! Born just the day after our little Molly! It looks like a beautiful birth. Enjoy your babymoon with that darling little boy (!!!) xox

Ashley said...

Oh, congratulations! He's beautiful. Such sweet and peaceful pictures, too - love those baby toes. Lots of happiness to all of you!

Unknown said...

oh ni!!!! he's gorgeous!!! can't wait to hear your birth story and so happy you got your waterbirth!!!!! love you lady!

Jennifer said...

What a beautiful little one, and such a perfect name. Congratulations!

Jill said...

so happy to see your new little one Ni. What a love!

Michelle, Queen Behind the Lens! said...

Funnily enough, I saw your photo updates in your Ravelry projects-- that's how I figured out he is here! Congrats, Nicole! Enjoy your little one. He is beautiful!!!

Tonya Gunn said...

Just perfect Nicole and such perfect timing. His name is beautiful and enjoy this precious time.
Love, Tonya

hands follow heart said...

Congratulations Nicole & family on the arrival of Lucian! May he always be the bearer of light. Loved your choice of name, but I'm biased... ;-)
Much love to you and family,

Bending Birches said...

very touching and heartwarming..
baby memories are coming flooding back to me.
what fantastic and moving photos!
blessings to you and your beautiful family!

onegoldensun said...

Congratulations, Nicole! What a beautiful little boy! I love his name. Blessings to you and your lovely family and Happy Babymoon!

sarah said...

welcome to your baby boy. enjoy your babymoon!!

mandi said...

Well he is just perfectly sweet! Congratulations to you and your family. A boy! What a wonderful gift.

dawn klinge said...

Welcome, sweet baby Lucian! He's beautiful. I'm so happy for your family.

Jennifer Johnson said...

Oh, Congratulations!!! He is perfect! And all those hand-knit snuggly items for him. Makes me want to knit all day. Enjoy this time, and I pray your family can adjust smoothly.

Steph said...

Congrats Ni! I love his name :) Such a beautiful little one. Enjoy him and your time together!

Julie said...

Congratulations, he is beautiful! And what a perfect name.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And have a wonderful babymoon!

Mama Ash Grove said...

Beautiful! Oh congratulations!!! I am so happy for you all!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ni and family, he is beautiful. xxxxx
Weas :)

Rachel~At the Butterfly Ball said...

Congratulations Nicole! He is beautiful and I love the name!!! Celebrating your little light with you...
Rest and enjoy basking in his glow!

Emilie said...

He is beautiful! Congrats Mama!

astrid said...

Congratulations, what a wonderfull boy, I wish him all the light of the world,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Have a blissful blessing way

Anonymous said...

beautiful, congratulations!

karen said...

congratulations, hes beautiful:) What a perfect name for your special light baby. He is positively radiant in the photos

Mom2Three said...

He is just beautiful! Congratulations!

Nancy / summer sky said...

welcome Lucian! glad to hear all is well!

TulsiLeaf said...

congrats to you and your dear family!

What a sweet face.

Katie said...

Wonderful, simply wonderful! So many congratulations!!! x

thegirlsmom said...

Oh I am feeling broody after seeing these pics!! Congratulations... he is just gorgeous and I love his name!

boatbaby said...

I am going to eat him with a spoon! He is perfection and I am so happy to hear he arrived into loving arms. Thank you for sharing this magical moment Nicole. Many warm wishes to your growing family. Little boys are the best, you'll see :) Welcome Lucian!

Kathy at Knitting Off The Grid said...

Congratulations to you and your lovely family. He's absolutely precious. A true gift from the Lord.

Counting Coconuts said...

Warmest congratulations, Nicole! He is a beautiful boy and I'm so moved by the name you chose for him - it's absolutely perfect! I know you have so very much going on right now, but I too am wondering about Lucian's lovely pilot cap - I assume you knitted it yourself? If so, could you share the pattern? I'm knitting for a little one as well. :)

Again, congratulations!


MamaBirdEmma said...

Congratulations your beautiful baby boy, Nicole!

Carrie said...

Congratulations!!! He's so beautiful and perfect, and his big sisters will be such good teachers.

Happy Babymoon! <3


~Kris said...

Oh truly what a happy posting you have here!!
As a mother who also has the 2 girls, baby boy combo, let me tell you it will be a very fun time with them all!
Congratulations and happy babymoon!

Tricia said...

I was just thinking last night that you had to have had the baby!! Congratulations, he's beautful, and looks a lot like C did!

Shannon said...

Congratulations!!! He's beautiful!!!

anna said...

What a beauty! Many blessings to you and your family, happy babymoon.

ps - i love the name!

XYZZ said...

So happy for you and your family! He is a gorgeous boy with a beautiful name. :)

K E Fleck said...

Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!

Nicole, he's just beautiful and amazing and perfect!

Much love to you and your family and enjoy the blessings of babymooning. Congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful :-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you!
Lucian is so beautiful. You look so beutiful together as a family.
Happy new baby days! Thank you for sharing.

Sarah said...

Beautiful name for a beautiful baby! So happy for you! Also, very beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them...

saraelise said...

Congratulations to you and your family!! What a perfect name for your beautiful baby. :)

KnitterMama said...

Oh welcome to the world sweet baby Lucian

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Nicole! He is gorgeous!! And what a wonderful name. In fact, it's one I've kicked around (for its Latin roots/meaning) should we have another boy. And a home water awesome! Hugs to you all.

Rose said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful name for a beautiful baby!

Anike said...

Congratulations Nicole!!!

What an adorable little bundle of joy and such a fitting name!

Anonymous said...

congratulations & welcome Lucian!! love the name and the meaning.

Barefooted Mama said...

Welcome to earth baby.

Ericasue said...

He is so precious! Congratulations!

Growing My Sweetpea said...

Congratulations Nicole...he is absolutely beautiful.

Joy said...

Congrats Nicole! He's absolutely beautiful and perfect. <3

The Knitty Gritty Homestead said...

Oh, the best news ever! Those feet! That perfectly round head! He's just gorgeous. Love his name. My littlest celebrated her second today, and in my post about it I almost apologised for my post-birthing smiled at your comment about that. You look radiant, as only a mama can. Blessings and light on your family. What a blessed little boy.

Indigo, madder, marigold said...

Big ole hugs for you and your family!!!! Congratulations!!! Boys are so sweet, Nicole. His name is just beautiful. Love and light!

Bonnie said...

Congratulations!! Your baby is so beautiful and full of light. Wishing you lots of love and light...

jenny said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. Love and light to your family.

Leslie said...

Nicole - he's beautiful in every way! I'd love to see a post on his beautiful knits. You'll have to fill us in!!! Many Blessings!!

Restless Prairie Farm said...

Congratulations!!! He's beautiful! So sweet, and I love his name.:o)

the sleepy time gal said...

what a beautiful story!

Nicola said...

Congratulations, Nicole! So exciting.

Marina said...

Congratulations, Nicole! He ever-so- sweet and breathtaking <3

sherene said...

Beautiful boy! Congratulations and many blessings.

Hullabaloo Homestead said...

So So sweet! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family. My last two were water births. Babies just have a way of making everything all better no matter what. We were in the beginnings of our financial struggles exactly two years ago, right before the birth of my fourth. When he was born, everything fell into perspective and our hearts no longer had room for all of our financial worries. They were still there, and still are, but shifting my perspective to the light changed a lot at that time. Happy baby mooning!


momma rae said...

congratulations, my love!! you have a boy!!! you all must be completely over the moon. he is adorable! thanks for all the pics, especially those sweet little feet. sending you lots of love. enjoy every minute of your baby moon. please let us know if you need anything. xoxoxoxo

Lauren said...

He's lovely! Congratulations!! Have a wonderful babymoon:)

Melissa Nichols said...

Congratulations Nicole! He is so precious. Enjoy him, as I know you will. God Bless, Melissa

Watkins said...

Beautiful! Many, many congratulations on a gorgeous little boy! Oh, and the name is lovely.

jenn said...

How precious! What a perfect name! Congratulations I hope you have many many happy memories together!

Michaela said...

Congratulations! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful news...enjoy this time together!

Alicia said...

Congratulations Nicole and Family, and welcome to the world Lucian!

Andréann said...

Congratulations! I wish him the best of life :)

TwigandToadstool said...

How amazing!!! Congratulations and all the best as you get through these early days with this brand new little human being in your midst! Exciting!!!
xo maureen

renee ~ heirloom seasons said...

Oh my dear friend, he really is just as precious as can be!!!
Thinking of you all and sending so much love XOXOXOXOXO

erika~ the inspired mama said...

ohhhh, he is here!!! he is absolutely beautiful, nicole! and his name... LOVE! we had lucia on our list for a baby girl, but we got a baby boy luca instead ♥

huge congratulations! enjoy your sweet family, mama!


erin said...

Wishes for sweet blessings and a joyful time settling into a new family rhythm, from our home to yours. May the babymoon ease and flow, and wrap you all in love and light and connection.

Lucian is oh-so beautiful!


Dee said...

Congratulations! Lucian is a beautiful name (I have a Lucian too).

Beth said...

I wish you great, great joy!!!!!!! What a beautiful little boy. love, Beth

Kate said...

Congratulations. He is beautiful.

Linda said...

Congratulations dear Nicole and love to you all!!

Liebe Lebenskunst said...

Congratulations! He's precious!

Angela said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little one. My last baby was an 8 pounder too. This is so exciting and I love his name! Thanks for taking the time to update us!
Peace and light,

Carrie said...

Congratulations and welcome to the world, little Lucian. Babymoon blessings on the whole family.

Soili said...

Beautiful, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congrats mama! He's beautiful :)

Potato said...

Oh he's beautiful! Welcome to the world little Lucian! And happy babymooning to your lovely family.

Wasabi Honey Bee said...

I just re-found your blog and want to say congratulations, he looks like such a sweet wee bundle!!!

Marlo said...

Beautiful. Congratulations. Enjoy the new one.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blessing for your family. Such a beautiful thoughtful name. Best wishes for you all.

Jane said...

Perfection. I've been waiting for this post! Many blessings to you and your family, Janexx

Kory said...


He is absolutely beautiful- and so are you! Crazy pony tail hair and all! So glad to see such a happy post!!

I am Babette said...

Congratulations. Great name and great to hear from you. There is always light after darkness.

Southern Season Exchange said...

Congratulations. I am a stranger from afar [Australia] but love your generous insights into your family life and gosh how lovely to hear about the arrival of your beautiful little boy. It is just the most beautiful time when a new life comes into your life. All the very best.

Leigh said...

Congratulations on your beautiful baby! What a blessing! Much love to you and your family!

Grace said...

Congratulations, Nicole! He is so precious! You will LOVE having a little boy ... there is nothing like a little guy!

I love that photo of you holding him (next to the bottom). congratulations again!

hjemmemortil9 said...

Oh, I have just find your blog today – and what a joy to get into by my first visit here….. Congratulations to you and your family! what fantastic and moving photos you are showing - simply wonderful!
enjoy the blessings of babymooning. Wishing you lots of love and light...
Love from Denmark/Susanne - mom of 9 loved children

Cristina said...

Congratulations Nicole! What a sweet and light-filled little boy!
He's right on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces as far as Western Astrology goes. I know because I share that same birthday :)
Sending you lots of warm wishes!

Silvia said...

I'm happy to know this wonderful moment of your family!!!
Have a life full of light and love!!!
Hugs from Italy

Priscilla said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful boy, Lucian. What a pleasure it is to look at those photo's of your newborn dressed in warm woolens.

kendra said...

he is just gorgeous! thank you for sharing! a boy!!! can you believe it??? love his name.

themagiconions said...

Oh Nicole, he's just toooooo beautiful for words. And BIG and healthy... congratulations to all of you. How sweet the girls look with him and Daddy too and you look like a ray of sunshine too. Extra special blessing and magic to you all.
Love Donni

MamaWestWind said...

He's adorable! Congrats!

Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

Congratulations - what a beautiful birth and miracle!

Nikki said...

Late to this - but many congratulations to you all!

Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful birth and baby!

La Chili said...

I'm so happy to see this gorgeus baby.
You are so lucky, and what a great name.

erin said...

What a sweet and beautiful little boy! Congratulations and best wishes to you.

christine ~ ourdayourjourney said...

sweet baby love. wishing you all the best.

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