
Friday, March 18, 2011

Handmade Holiday...

aka: Christmas in March. Yeah, I feel pretty ridiculous posting our Christmas handmades this late but I still felt the desire to share them. I hope you will humor me.
Our Christmas was entirely handmade and I would say about 95% of it didn't cost us a thing, we just used items we already had in the house. I think this may be my favorite Christmas yet, too, because so much thought and love was put into everything, even more so than usual. Honestly, I am really beginning to see hardships as gifts and blessings in disguise.

First up is this sweet little package that K brought home with her the last day of school before holiday break. We were not to open it until Christmas morning and oh was that hard for this Mama!!

Inside was this beautiful glass candle holder she had made. It even had a tea light candle she made, as well. It was such a perfect and beautiful gift. I will always treasure it.

Next is C's gift for K. We made her homemade chap stick (using this recipe that we just happened to have all the ingredients for). She loved it and I think it may become a holiday tradition to make.

For Daddy the girls and I made him peppermint bark, his wintertime addiction, using this recipe but altering it with white chocolate chips to save money (yes, Soulemama saved us this year with her recipes! Thank you Amanda!!) He devoured it pretty fast and has been asking for more.

For C, I knit up a new Gnomie, gnomie, gnome hood since her other one was getting small (ravelry notes here). I used the leftover yarn from K's gift which worked out perfect because they love to match and C usually wants whatever K has ;) A big thank you to Shelley for her inspiration and help with my rainbow projects.

C is very into funny faces when it comes to picture taking time now

Lastly - for K, I knit her a rainbow poncho (ravelry notes here)to help keep her warm and to wrap her in the warmth and security of the rainbow bridge she once traveled on 5 years ago.

What did I tell you about C and the camera?!

I unfortunately do not have photos of the sweet gifts K made for C and Daddy. She finger knitted them necklaces and then attached some pendants she made out of modeling beeswax. Daddy's was blue yarn with an angel pendant and C's was rainbow yarn with a heart pendant. The cats have since lost these little treasures, but hopefully they will turn up again soon!
To close out the Christmas season *ahem* here are a couple last photos:

The Shepherd's Play at school

The girls' winter/Christmas display in their bedroom

Thank you for putting up with my tardiness this Winter and hopefully I will be able to get back on track with Spring's arrival. This weekend the Root Children are making their appearance and I have been busy in preparation for them. Have a beautiful weekend everyone and I will be back *fingers crossed* next week.



La Chili said...

Love to see your pictures, I want to make some rainbow something for my boy some day I thin he will love it.

I hope everything is getting better.

Anonymous said...

Oh my heart! That first shot of C is hysterical - she looks like Cindy Lou Who!! :-) So cute. And what a lovely Christmas. I wonder...could we do this next year? We usually do handmade gifts on Winter Solstice, but maybe we could manage to pull it off if I start working on it right now! Thanks - as always - for the beauty, the smiles and the inspiration.

Ashley said...

I'm glad you posted your Christmas handmades, even in March. I'm still posting mine, but that's - ahem - because I'm still finishing them. Whoops. So here's to Christmas in springtime!

Anonymous said...

what lovely gifts. and you are so inspirational.

TwigandToadstool said...

I welcome your Christmas inspiration...I seriously love those rainbow knits...I'm a bit of a slow and distracted knitter, so if my kids were going to get handknits for Christmas I would have to start now!
xo maureen

Wild Maple Wool said...

Nicole---- your post was so cute! I'm humoring you with the Christmas in March--- I wanted to see your pictures, no big deal! I have yet to send Valentines cards out! But alas as you just found out life with three kids is more than a whirlwind! I'm also sorry about what your going through finacially. We are facing the same things---- you are not alone in this! If it is any good reminder to you--- money (or lack there of)will not be the thing you remember when your kids are older--- but the wonderful time spent with them!

Enjoy your littlest one--- it goes by fast! And take really good care of yourself mama! Your still postpartum!


Tonya Gunn said...

Oh you are raising your children to appreciate what really matters and all the love that goes into homemade/handmade makes it so much more valuable. The poncho and hat are just beautiful and what a special gift from your oldest daughter.
Thank you for sharing.
Warm wishes,

Angela said...

Wonderful Christmas homemades! I was just thinking this morning that I should start thinking about next Christmas and start making. Keeps me busy and creative and I never seem to have enough time. Starting "early" could be fun.
I hope things are going well for all of you!

Cristina said...

awww...the pics of C & K together are adorable....especially the sisterly hugs.

Restless Prairie Farm said...

Beautiful! I think that March might be the perfect time to post Christmas handmades so that we have time to plan for NEXT Christmas.:o)

Anonymous said...

Those rainbow knits are absolutely devine!!!! Oh how I wish I could knit well lol

Leslie said...

know what you mean about peppermint bark - I make more at Valentine's since its red. Lovely knits! Have you found that your malabrigo yarn pills? I made Lena a sweater last fall and it pilled after wearing it a couple of times. I hope yours doesn't! thanks so much for sharing you christmas with us - it is very inspiring!

Woolly Wanderer said...

Have been without a computer these past weeks... so pleased to read the news of your precious little one.

Blessings San x

Unknown said...


Joy said...

Lovely handmades as always! I love the hat and poncho. So perfect. <3 I'm glad you shared them...even in March. :)

Genevieve said...

Gifts from the heart are always the best kind. Thank you for sharing.

mamaUK said...

Oh, Nicole, you make me want to learn to knit, your rainbow knitting is just beautiful. I love your simple, handmade Christmas. It must have held so much meaning.

angie said...

what a lovely holiday.

Indigo, madder, marigold said...

What a touching Christmas. I want one like that too....I can see the love shining through.
Thanks for sharing and when will we get to see baby pictures??? Love and light, Angie

Alyssa Spring Corley said...

These pictures just made me feel warm and cozy - lovely.

FrontierDreams said...

Thank you everyone and thank you for putting up with my tardy post :)

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