Since my computer has only been working off and on I haven't been able to share some photos from K's 5th birthday back in September (sorry family!), so I thought I would go ahead and do it now... even if it is over a month late.
Kevin's mother was visiting and he was miserably sick for K's birthday so it was a hard day on us all, I admit I was stressed beyond my limits but K still loved her day and it all somehow worked out.
Here's her birthday in pictures:
Apples are a huge theme for her birthday celebration every year (September has always been 'apple month' to us), as you will see...
Birthday preparations (We made some yummy sugar free delights: apple doughnuts, apple cider, apple cookies and apple cake)
Birthday preparations
Apple tree decoration
Birthday table
Little Red Riding Hood and wolf on the birthday table
Apples on the birthday table
Birthday ring
K baby in her birthday crown
Opening presents
Candles lit
Afternoon birthday music
Birthday Cake (Apple cake from the Waldorf Kindergarten Snack Book)
The day after her birthday C and I had the pleasure to spend the day at school with K for her celebration there.
Candles from her Rainbow Bridge story at school
Sunflowers K brought to her teachers in the window(she also brought them some apple cookies)
Apple tree lantern
I hope you all have a great weekend and a wonderful Halloween!
What a beautiful birthday celebration! Love all the apples. :) Your birthday table is always so gorgeous. It looks like K had a very happy day! <3
How wonderful! Happy birthday:)xo
Happy Belated birthday, little one!
Looks like she had a wonderful birthday celebration.
you are such a good mama! That photo of K with her lit cake is fabulous! What a special day!
your girls are getting so big nicole! what a beautiful, beautiful celebration of your daughters life! warmest wishes to you and your family, it is so nice to see you back in this space xo
Beautiful! The apples made a lovely theme for your little one's special day!
Wonderful and warm! Congratulions both on your daughters belated birthday as on the lovely way you created a very special space and day for her. You are a great mum!
Beautiful celebration & I love the apples!
what fun! happy birthday!
What a beautiful day!
That picture with her big/old she's looking! It's funny how 5 does that...
How sweet! I don't know about you, but the child's rainbow bridge story at school always makes me tear up! Glad K had a wonderful birthday celebration!
So much apple goodness in this post! It sounds like a very happy birthday was had. Hooray for five!
I love preparing and setting up the surprise birthday table for the birthday child. My children love it so much. Yours is so precious and sure little K just loved it. Thank you for sharing even if it was late.
always lovely.....such cute little ones:)
What a delightful celebration! I hope that K enjoyed her 5th birthday (and it seems that she did)!
very sweet- how wonderful to have an apple theme for your daughter's September birthday!
You really know how to make a celebration beautiful.
... and happy day of birth to you, mama! Ever inspiring and such a creative force in my Waldorf-ing. I love seeing that birthday crown come out :)
that looked like a birthday filled with warmth and care.
Stunning pictures x
I was so happy to see this post.. was wondering how to ask for a glimpse of K's special day! It looks like such a special happy celebration! x
Just catching up here, Nicole! Love the photos and the projects you have been working on. What a sweet birthday and girl you have! Happy belated!
You can email me with an answer if you like, but I am wondering if the Waldorf school K is in is a private school or charter? Is it costly? I am sure you know the whole Waldorf status around here from Marina, but there is a group trying to get a Waldorf-esque charter up and running (with great difficulty) and I would love to talk with anyone in the know of how to do this!
Just wondering...could you please tell me where to get a rainbow bridge story and where to purchase the small baskets in the apple tree lantern picture? thanks and any help appreciated...maria
A beautiful day, precious pictures! love, Beth
Every time i try to view your new post it says it can't be found :(
Mine recently had their 'rainbow bridge' story at preschool too for their fourth birthday... such loveliness. I just posted photographs - though frankly they're all from the children playing outside, not from inside the school!
thank you for sharing, it looks like a breautiful birthday celebration for your 5 year old!
I really love that hanging apple tree mobile with the bird in the background. Any ideas of where to get that? I would love to get that for my soon to be baby. Thanks!
Thank you!
The apple tree mobile is made by Kinderkram. I bought it from a friend but if you google it, it should come up. HTH!
Maria - I was tolf the Rainbow Bridge story but an old teacher a few years back and I just use that.
I believe I found the baskets at a thrift store. HTH!
Kelsey - I was having issues with blogger that day. I cancelled it. Sorry for the confusion!
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