

 I believe blog sponsorship is beneficial for all involved - the sponsor, the readers, as well as my family. Such meaningful connections are made through conversations with the sponsors, as well as with all of you about them and their products.
I have a great rhythm going now with my postings that I am truly enjoying. It is such an outlet for me and has fostered many wonderful friendships with people I have so much in common with. I don't know what I would do without this space to document and share our lives but I would love to be able to give back to all of you and contribute something to my growing family, as well.

Sponsorship starts the first of the month. I have a limited number of sponsorship slots available each month, so if you are hoping for a particular month please contact me as early as possible. Also bear in mind that some of the sponsors already on the site may have signed up for an extended period so there may not always be as many slots available.

For affordable sponsorship opportunities and additional information please contact Nicole at: FarmerGOPI(at)yahoo(dot)com

Please keep in mind that I only accept sponsorship from businesses that I see as a good fit for my readers.
