
Monday, July 6, 2009

Soon to go, into the wild blue yonder...

C all ready for some planes
Wow!! Thank you, thank you everyone for your comments on our move. I feel so lucky to have all of you visit our little place here and take the time to help us out. Please know how grateful I am for every one's kindness. I am now even more excited to get to Oregon. We will be moving to Portland area. Kevin's job will be in Beaverton. I have to admit, when I first found out I was excited but disappointed,too. One of our options was Maine and I was really hoping that's were we would move to. Both of our families are up in the north east and I just miss the snow and having all 4 seasons so much. But there are so many amazing things about Oregon (a lot that you all mentioned) that I had no clue about. I really can't wait now. I hope we get lots of snow!!!

I know for K, the biggest thing she will miss is about VA is the Air Show every year. You might remember how much she enjoyed last year. It's almost her favorite time of the year. This was the first year C got more into it, too. I'm sure our waldorf school, her new friends and everything else wonderful about our new home will help her get by, though :)

I have to get back to knitting my WIP so I leave you with a few highlights from this years air show. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

Thunderbirds leaving

C's Air Force diaper

Heading home-Leaving fighter country
Sorry for the type-os! All fixed now :)



Anonymous said...

We love beaverton! My parents live there. We used to watch the Blue Angels air show every summer when we lived in Seattle. You can totally get to it easily from Portland. Its a long day, but doable! Have fun!

Aimee said...

Oregon is wonderful!! There is an airshow every year and this year the Thunderbirds are there! Its in Hillsboro which is west of Beaverton only about 10 or so minutes. Its August 28th-30th. We go every year its a great time!! has the info...

Good luck with your move!

Annie said...

Oh, what an exciting (and LONG) move! Are you guys driving? We really enjoyed our trek from VA to OR. We are down on the southern coast (which I love), but I do wish we were closer to the Portland area.

I hope your move goes smoothly!

Prairie Girl said...

Ahhh! I love the airforce diaper! I hope everything goes smoothly with the move. I'll be thinking of you these next few days and weeks :)

can't wait to see more of your knitting WIP (in between getting settled, I'm sure)

Blessings to you and your family :)

TheSingingBird said...
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Joy said...

That diaper is too adorable! Happy moving!

Helen said...

lovely blog! Good luck with the move :)

Kimberley said...

Congrats on your move! 2 Waldorf schols to pick from! Wow! I am jealous! You are a brave Mama...I admire your sense of adventure...I don't know if I could move across the country! I can't wait to read all about your new home! Bonne chance!

Mama Rose said...

I just found your blog from another saying you are a waldorf family moving to oregon. Congratulations on your move! I'm so excited for you and your family. We plan on moving soon and are super excited about the waldorf schools in the area. Originally, we were already suppose to be up there, but hopefully it'll be sometime next year. I got so excited about it all over again reading your blog! Happy trails!!

Still Life in South America said...

That diaper totally cracks me up. And those chubby legs!

FrontierDreams said...

i am so happy theres an air show for my girls!!! thank you so much for the information!! we might eve be there in time for the one this year.

we are driving. the military always breaks our things in moves so we are moving the items that we really, really do not want broken and letting them move the rest.

mama rose- we will have tostay in otuch for when you move! k won't be starting kindergarten atone of the schools until she is 5 or so but her, c and i will be doing mom and tot clases until then.

FrontierDreams said...

ughhh. typing too early in the morning before coffee, sorry for all the type-os.. again.

Marina said...

squeeeaaal! LOVE that picture of you and C (you know I can't get enough of her yumminess!)

Can't wait for you to be on this side of the country!

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