
Friday, May 29, 2009

the Sound of Silence

Any parent knows that silence is usually not a good thing with kids. I somehow seem to forget this from time to time.
The other day I was happily getting housework done (which is a rare thing with 2 girls and 2 dogs to keep up with). K was helping me sweep and C was playing with toys in the living room. Everything seemed to be great. Then it dawned on me that I hadn't heard any noise from C in a few minutes. I feared that Chubby Kong was on the loose...

and I was right.

I walked in the room and first saw her accomplice

Then I found my sweet baby...

who got into the chalk we keep in the art cabinet.

How could anyone be upset with such a sweet, innocent, dirty face?!



boatbaby said...

Ahhh yes, silence is far more worrisome than chaotic, joyful noise. She is so sweet, I love those photos!

Joy said...

Indeed. She looks perfectly innocent...maybe it was the dog. ;)

Anonymous said...

lol what a sweetie pie ;-)

Marina said...

Oh Dearie me, I think I would have gobbled her up with kisses! *giggle "Chubby Kong"*

kate said...

oh!!! so cute.
it's funny how sometimes the silence is good--oh, she's really climbing into an activity and focusd! and sometimes not so good--uh-oh, she's eating chalk.
i'd like to think i can intuit the difference from the next room, but sadly this is not always the case!

Becky said...

I am really laughing out loud! So precious!

gardenmama said...

: ) Too cute!

Lisa said...

No way could you be angry with that cute little face!

Wow, we have a lot in common...2 big goofy dogs, black cats, little girls, red hair and LOTS of freckles, love to sew and the need to live a simple life. I am still laughing over the post about the newspaper all over the dog bed!

Lisa :)

dottyspots said...

ROFL! Yes, very hard to resist! I agree, silence + children (generally) = trouble.

erika~ the inspired mama said...

awww, she is sweet! yes, silence is a warning sign in our home too!

i LOVE that you grab your camera to capture these moments (this and your previous declutter post!) before you know it these days, messes and all will be in the past... enjoy every single second, mama!


Tahara said...

Oh, I know the silence thing too well here :-)...What a cutie you have!

FrontierDreams said...

i really had to try very hard to hold back the laughter when i found the 2 of them with all that chalk.

joy- yes, yes it was the dog..thats it!! tee hee.

lisa- it sounds like we do indeed have lots in common! how funny!!

erika- thanks! i couldn't resist grabbing the camera. i try to keep it nearby at all times. i want to remember these silly momnents the rest of my life..and show the girls how they were such rascals growing up! :p

Anonymous said...

so happy to have found your blog! yes, quietness can sometimes equal mischief around here too!

Sarah said...

Your blog is full of such cute baby goodness, dollies and their knitting....I miss those days. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm glad to know your reading and glad to see yours.

FrontierDreams said...

lucjily it's been nothing but noise here lately!! :p
sarah thanks for stopping by! i love your blog so much!

Val in the Rose Garden said...

Oh how could you indeed... she is stunningly precious! I love the pink knit leggings covered with chalk. Very sweet.


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