
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Waldorf Play

"...all children want to do is learn,which they try to do through their greatest learning tool,play."
-Joseph Chilton Pearce

With waldorf, children playing are left to imagine whatever they desire. The simplest things become so much more in the blink of an eye. K has quite the imagination on her. It's so much fun to watch her play.

The other day just some simple square cuts of cloth transformed before her eyes making her a beautiful and happy robin.

The play cloths are a staple of her play,used every day and yet everyday they are transformed into something new.

Some of her other favorite toys are acorns,shells,pinecones and river rocks. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many different things each one of those has become in her play.

"What children touch and what touches them is important. In a waldorf early childhood program,toys are made of natural materials,such as wool,cotton,wood and silk. Each of these has something unique to teach children about the world around them."
-Barbara J. Patterson 'Beyond the Rainbow Bridge'

Waldorf isn't about the expensive (but,very nice!) toys,it's about finding joy in the simplest pieces of nature.

A wonderful mama posted recently some of her reasons for choosing waldorf.You can find it here:
It really is a great read!



Marina said...

Truly a lovely post Nicole! Adore your little robin :) *hugs*

Stephanie said...

I love that last picture. So sweet.

Kimberley said...

Right on! We love playsilks at our house too! The possiblities are endless...the imagination of children is a wonder! Thanks for sharing such sweet photos, awesome quotes and another lovely glimpse into your family life.

Anna said...

I am reading so much about the Waldorf way of life and wish there was a school closer to home that the girls could attend. I really enjoyed reading You are Your Child's First Teacher and Beyond the Rainbow Bridge and am currently reading Heaven on Earth.

Lizz said...

Here, here!

RunninL8 said...

Hi there from Alaska and another waldorf mama! I'm just loving your blog and so glad I found it! I've done a couple posts myself on wonderful silkies! THE BEST toy for any child-I always give them as gifts to parents who are still stuck in the plastic/media zone!

Off I go to read you some more!

FrontierDreams said...

Thank you everyone. <3 I feel so lucky to 'know' you on here :)

We are currently not near a school but are fortunate to have 2 close friends who are former waldorf teachers. One of them opened up a waldorf inspired toy store and she hosts circle time every month there as well as all the festivities. K is old enough to start school so we are hoping to move this spring/summer to be near a school. It will all depend on my husband's job though. He's in the USAF so we can say where we want to live but theres no guarentee.

You ladies should all join the waldorf book club we just started on MDC. the link is in my latest post.

Doula Mommy said...

Hey Girl!!!
K looks like she is having so much fun! We do dress up everyday here as well. LG keeps asking me to knit her a Red Riding Hood Cape so she can take the cookies from the wolf, so silly.
Email me so we can get together and play (and so you can sneak baby cuddles!)
Plus, I need to chat about getting dairy out of my diet, figured you'd know about that, lol!

Anonymous said...

little robin red precious!

kivyn said...

There was a time when my little one spent every day in his dress-up clothes. Trips to the grocery store were never dull with a caped dinosaur in tow. I've been following your blog for a while, now. The pictures are so inspiring and calming. I've given you a lemonade award. If you haven't already received one, you can read about it on my blog at

FrontierDreams said...

jessica! <3 <3 yes yes! we must get together!! eek ive been saying that for what like a year now?!?!

hillary-can you tell my daughter likes birds? tee hee.

kivyn- what kind words!!aww youre so sweet! i feel like i should be giving an acceptance speech! thank you! i'm honored! i will post my 10favs soon! my 3 year old has been under the weather lately so i haven't had the chance to be online much.
and oh my! we are constantly going out and about in dress up clothes. tee hee. it's nice to know we are not the only ones :)

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